Is This the Trigger?

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The headline was predictable: 2020 Begins With A Bang

All media is reporting that a US attack at the Baghdad airport has killed Qasem Suleimani. As one analyst put it, he was in charge of the Qud forces which made him the equivalent to the head of both Iran’s CIA and Special Forces. President Trump has stated that Iran would suffer the consequences of attacking the US embassy in Iraq. He is a man of his word: there will be no Benghazi on his watch.

Another “victory” for Donald Trump and another setback to the Deep State coup to remove him. The President has a strong case: why was Suleimani in Iraq if not to coordinate Iranian attacks and influence the Iraqi government. All of our blood and treasure in Iraq so that Obama could turn Iraq over to Iran. Gold and oil prices have already spiked on this news.

David DeGerolamo


Read from the bottom up for as it happened ICYMI:


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5 years ago

After Bolton and Giuliani both did their tours overseas speaking of when we would be in Iran, is this not interesting? After all Trump did get rid of that pesky “war hawk.”
All we get are lies and propaganda, what makes anyone so sure that honorable men are pursuing True peace anywhere?