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- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Zelensky on US Soldiers in Ukraine
- Rick1234 on Who Really Won?
- Al Buckner on Who Really Won?
- 173dVietVet on Who Really Won?
- Joe Blow on Common Sense
This is in the UK. What will we doing on the 19th of July in the US of A?
Sitting on our couches with our d*cks in hand.
True enough.
Still its unbecoming to complain about others not doing what you yourself are unwilling to do.
Does anyone know who this man is?
If we could amass a million armed to the teeth and cut down any standing in the way……maybe……just maybe. Well…nice dream anyway.
His Presentation is less than…
Why ruin it?
He appears to have Heart.
Global uprising might just flip the script. Since DC is now puppet land and a demoncratic fortress. maybe Silicon Valley- techie land would be a rally point. Wanna hold the powers that be accountable? gates, zuckerturb, bezos, dorcey. Googleplex or menlo park, you get the idea. without social media or msm puppet land has no narrative. Just throwing ideas.
We all know what’s coming or we wouldn’t be here listening to this. On our feet or on our knees.
Seems the sheep like to be on their knees when they service their masters.
This is the kind of thing most feared by deep state. Unity.
The British have a little tougher challenge than we Americans. They’re up against parliament. We just have an imbecile.
Dying is easy. Not everybody really lives.
Man: noun, this guy.
Nothing will change until the hunters become the Hunted !!!