Is This Treason?

h/t Matt Bracken

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1 month ago

Rhetorical. TPTB answer to no one. #47 has an opportunity to slow and correct some wrongs, but the reality is that the politically corrupt cancer is stage four. Aside from resurrecting Lycurgus, Draco or Cinncinnatus for a severe house cleaning, I can’t imagine 2028 looking much different.

1 month ago

What Xao BuyDem does with an Executive Order can be undone by The Trumpeter with another Exec Ord……

1 month ago

Nobody in congress is willing to do anything about anything, they won’t let Trump do his plan. The picture of Paul Ryan in the secret stairwell meeting with the fake speaker Johnson says it all. I don’t expect any change and just watch our representatives send billions once again to bail out the blue state disasters. Which have pledged to protect illegals, so there you go. Suck it up.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

And no one mentions the fact that President Trump, once sworn in, can countermand this extension order on day one, minute one of being in office… and also issue new emergency orders, declaring them ‘enemy aliens’ and subject to roundup and arrest (a happy thought).