Is This What It Will Take?

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I admit it: I had more faith in the American people. I would not have imagined that we would have accepted the consequences of tyranny so easily. History teaches us that appeasement of tyrannical acts is never the solution. Once the government realized that we would roll over and accept our chains with very little outcry, our Liberty has quickly dissolved. I do not need to list the grievances (you either already know them or you never will). Most people fall into one of three categories:

  1. They do not know or care what is happening.
  2. They do know what is happening but are “waiting” for a leader or event instead of acting with Sacred honor.
  3. They are part of this evil.

What will it take to regain our freedom? When people realize that they have nothing left to lose? Or when people stand up to evil? We have a simple choice: do we stand up to evil or do we act as the people in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s?

Got Faith?

David DeGerolamo

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