Is This Your Future Home?

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8 days ago

I have written on this before….but I will go again….WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO REX 84 ????
………..and there is so much more….they have already constructed most of these camps and MORE ! time is short to INFORM / TRAIN / PREPARE / ORGANIZE… they have the man power to staff raid arrest and kill the DISSIDENTS…..

tom finley
tom finley
7 days ago
Reply to  mrapp

Government Subsidized First Degree Murder In the meantime they will kill as many as possible.

7 days ago
Reply to  tom finley

….I notice that you are one of the few that see the “complete” picture……..

tom finley
tom finley
7 days ago
Reply to  mrapp

Thanks to people like you and sites like NCRenegades.

tom finley
tom finley
8 days ago

Well, looks like that time has come, will you go peaceable? I wonder if they have gym facilities, wonder what the food will be like, like any large facility probable bland. Get ready for that once in a lifetime vacation.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
8 days ago
Reply to  tom finley

What a great time to put in Radical Weather Underground supporters like Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers’s and Hillary Clinton in charge! We already have Ayers Stooge Obama running Biden and Biden & the Biden Doubles are losing public support(Biden’s real numbers are around 3-4%). The WU described re-education camps, killing millions and the establishment of a Marxist State in former USA.

tom finley
tom finley
8 days ago

Yea, I remember listening to the interview and the WU stated they will put millions in re-education camps and kill about 25 million. Well looks like that time has come.

8 days ago
Reply to  tom finley

If they have a big screen tv and sports channel American men will be fighting each other to be the first on the bus.

tom finley
tom finley
8 days ago
Reply to  RShooter

You bet, they know what to fight for.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
8 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Here’s a course of action…. pew, pew, pew! Also bone up on that book by Michael Collins-- “The Squad.” FYI… the enemies of liberty have names and address and jobs and property and businesses and so on. That short story by Matt Bracken, “What I saw at the coup” comes to mind on this subject (it has a happy ending BTW). A good primer on covert operations, the movie… “Arlington Road.” Suppose they did start rounding up people--do you think it could be kept secret more than a few days? Jeeze-please! I wonder what it would look like when millions and millions of patriot types go on full alert, kit-up and get on the move. A speech from Pat Buchannan when he was running for president back in the day is relevant… “Mount up and ride towards the sound of the guns.”

8 days ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, we will not go peacefully into the night like many will, and when they send border agents or DHS illegal alien agents to my front door, they will be shot dead on site and shot from the back each and every one of them. As there at our front door we will be headed around them and they won’t be asking which scum Marxist commie agency they are from because we will already know. they will be shot dead every one of the maggots with shot gun blasts to their heads. there not coming to say hi to you and wish you a good day, to you or your family, they are there to haul you off to their feme camps and to cut your head off with all there guillotines the military purchased for this cause. Don’t even concern yourself with repercussions because there won’t be any, because we will not be following nor adhering to their fake godless perverted laws any longer. To their deaths is where they are all headed.

tom finley
tom finley
8 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

And rightfully so.

8 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

I think better than 40% will go peacefully. Prob even higher like 70%. Everyone talks a big game. They will come in with trucks lots of men and hardware. And they will believe the lie that they will be returned to their home. Their homes will be looted and stripped and a nice immigrant will be living there.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
8 days ago
Reply to  Raymond

If you actually think that this many conservatives are going to sit around and wait for the black-busses to pull up in front of their homes… you’re delusional. There’s no way to keep secret the true intentions of any sorta’ round-up will last more than a few days.

8 days ago

.he is not “delusional”…..history is his guide….we will all be surprised by the numbers that stand up and the numbers that trust mommy gov….

7 days ago

they will all die on the spot, with their vehicles being torched with them in it.

7 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

.see otis below………

8 days ago
Reply to  Raymond

All we need is 10-15% of all gun owners to kick their rear ends to Timbuctoo which is a very large or army and much larger than what the commie Marxists can muster in our country, what would the maggots in these agencies do then, fear will run thru their veins not ever knowing when they will be eliminated and most of them will leave their positions out of fear of being shot dead on site. As for them unloading men out of trucks, by this time many of the gun owners will have gelled into small effective units to eliminate the threats of these a-holes. in war we take all of their gear, motor vehicles, weapons, etc. And strip them of their clothing and bury the bastards in a ditch., never to be seen or heard from again. and with this group of vermin evil scum, will be our leaders who will be taken out as well. each and every one of them who committed treason and sedition. they can’t stop long range snipers, none of them can. fear is the key to their destruction. We either fight or die, each one would have to choose at this point what is best for your family to keep them safe.

Otis D
Otis D
7 days ago
Reply to  Raymond

if the excuse to “round people up” is some emergency or disaster, most will go willingly…to be kept “safe”

the people who survived the Hawaii wildfires didn’t follow directions

7 days ago
Reply to  Otis D

….most poignant post out of 34 ! ALL FACT !

Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe
8 days ago

Babylon will be served a double portion of what she has prepared for us.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
8 days ago
Reply to  Bobby Joe

It’s remarkable how many Christians will not consider that Mystery Babylon is a great city in the U.S..

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
8 days ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Yeh…DC! AKA the Land of Oz!

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
8 days ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Me wonders,,,,, I also believe that the “entire” U.S. is babylon. With that said, is all this trans lgbqrstuv, be what ever you want to be (sin), part of God’s plan to attrack said type into the U.S. so that it is filled with “every foul spirit” for when the judgment comes?
Rev 18:2. KJV
The NWO wants the old world order burnt up and then the new order rises out of the ashes (Phoenix).
Interestingly, both “sides” have some fires planned for humanity.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
8 days ago
Reply to  CTR Wolfman

One way we will know which city is Mystery Babylon is when Christian blood is shed.

See Revelation 17:6 and 18:24. God will avenge His saints -- Revelation 19:1-3.

8 days ago

I live in Illinois. Someone give me the address of a camp in this state. Or one near NE Illinois. I’ll check it out.

8 days ago
Reply to  Nobody


tom finley
tom finley
7 days ago
Reply to  Nobody
7 days ago
Reply to  tom finley

70,000 camps? Probably over 1000 of them must be in Illinois. If only they would put signs on them, then I could find one. The video is over 3 hours long. I couldn’t get past the first 15 mins which was all music.

tom finley
tom finley
6 days ago
Reply to  Nobody

Yea long, start at the 1 hour mark.

8 days ago

Be very circumspect about this information. Until you are actually able to see it and photograph it, do your research sub rosa and visit these “sites”. This “information” has been circulating for a long time. A “site” I visited in Josephine County, OR, turned out to be a large vacant lot full of tree stumps. It was allegedly the location of an Internment Camp from WWII. According to the local historical society, there were no such camps in Josephine County in WWII. I was the victim of an Internet rope-a-dope.
I do not doubt these “camps” exist. But, my friends, do your own physical research, HUMINT, and evaluation. Then expose them. Do not go to your local city council, county government or city cops/sheriff. If the FEDGOV is truly setting up a Gulag in your A/O, local officials will be bought and paid for. They will be threatened into silence (remember COVID?). Think back on that Las Vegas “mass shooting”. Did anyone ever focus on the facial expressions and body language of the Clark County Sheriff when he was standing there as a useful idiot to the Famous But Incompetent? He was scared green: “shaking like a dog s#*##!@g peach pits.” Trust no public official. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
8 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes, Railroads going in and out, cattle cars etc. How many years have we been hammered by these stories. i explained to some online that yes Indiana has cattle and cattle cars. They were surprised.
Lets not forget, guillotines and individual black plastic coffins. How concerned are the elite that we get buried in black plastic coffins???
Fear man, fear everyone, and each other seems to be the ‘world’ directive!

7 days ago

The black plastic coffins were 40miles from my house. Drove past the site dozens of times. They were next to a concrete plant and back off the road enough that at a glance I tho’t they were septic tank drain field ’tiles.’ Then one day they were all gone after being there for at least a couple of years.

8 days ago

I’ve been hearing “the government is building camps to herd us into” since the internet first started. Yet nothing has actually happened. It’s become a “the boy who cried wolf” meme it’s so abused.

8 days ago
Reply to  thexrayboy

when they drag out the black helicopters you will know they are getting desperate

7 days ago
Reply to  xtron

just hit them with many hi intensity lasers from the ground and blind the pilots and the chopper will crash and burn. any pilot who takes action against citizens needs to crash and burn.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
8 days ago

Our future home? How is our current home doing? Jimmy at Bright insight has much, History and geology that ties in with Ben Davidson and several others.
Unprecedented Solar Storm Effect -- Bad News for Earth
57,396 views 13 hours ago

6 days ago

Mysterious black helicopters. No one knows where they come from. Be afraid. Militia “leaders” made a living off of the fear of black helicopters back a decade or so. Fort Campbell Kentucky. The “Night Stalkers”. 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. There. Now we know where and what. Apparently, not enough veterans out there. No one has a relative in air assault or airborne.

a follower
a follower
6 days ago
Reply to  Nobody

Joke between me and my daughter, “invisible black helicopters.”