Is Your Church Teaching the True Word of God?


One of the funny phenomena of Greek grammar is that sometimes the verb in a sentence is omitted and you have to figure out what it is from context. Sometimes it is implied from earlier in the passage (often the last verb is meant to be repeated) or just a form of the verb “to be” is meant. An example of this is in 2 Corinthians 5:17, which most modern English translations render as something like, “if anyone is in the Messiah, he is a new creation.” However the Greek leaves out the verb “is” and the subject “he.” It simply reads, “If anyone is in the Messiah — New Creation!” Under the ordinary translation, the subject of the verb is the “anyone,” the individual who has been incorporated into the Messiah. Thus it would mean that the individual now has an opportunity to start their life over and to re-prioritize their life according to God’s ways, to re-channel their energies in obedience and holiness rather than sin. Of course this is all good, but is that what the verse is getting at?

Another option is that the subject of the verb is “new creation, giving us a translation like, “If anyone is in the Messiah, there is a new creation” (NRSV) or “if anyone is in the messiah, the new creation has come!” (TNIV). Supporting this interpretation is the observation that when Paul uses the term “creation,” he generally uses it in terms of the whole creation, not a part of it, or one individual within it.



Then we come back to 1 Peter 2:13:


Ktisei is a variation  of ktisis from 2 Corinthians 5:17 above. Here the translation is “institution” instead of “creation”. The context of “subjection to every human creation or institution” for the sake of the Lord has been changed to “subjection to every human government”. If you see the difference between the original intent and the new translation circa 1890, I can only hope that you will begin to question the other means to subjugate people to the will of the “government”. As always, it is up to you to decide.

My lesson learned is to go back to the original Hebrew and Greek instead of reading man’s interpretation to have us serve man instead of God.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

If then any (man) be(come) [in | through] Christ a new creature, (then) the old things are [passed away (from him) | cast (out of him) {{lit. as demons are cast out}}] , behold all things are made new [(through Him) | (by Him)]. [But | Yet] (even) all things are (possessions) of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Christ; and hath given to us the ministry of (our) reconciliation (through Christ.) — II Corinthians 5:17~18

{{and through Christ only, because of Christ’s fulfillment of the Judaic law. I have bolded us in the final sentence because Paul is speaking to other Christians particularly, and not to unbelievers -- whom he has set apart by his comparative reference to ‘those made new in Christ’, as opposed to ‘even all things are possessions of God’}}

Know therefore (that you are) bound {lit. as a wife is bound to her husband} to every created person (as a [community | family]) by God’s Will, as (you are bound) to your [King | Lord] who is Supreme (in all), [or | as well as] to those governors sent by Him for the punishment of those who work evil, and to praise those who do good.

For [so | such] is the will of God, that by (your) doing good things (He) may put [to silence | a muzzle upon] the ignorance of foolish men: (You are) as [free | redeemed {as opposed to being convicted/guilty} ] (men), and not like (those who) conceal their malice; but as the servants of God. [Honour | Respect] all men; (but particularly) Love the brotherhood (who are in Christ with thee). Fear God. Honour the king. — I Peter 2:13~17

{{We are bound to every created *person* as family/community because every person bears the image and likeness of God by the action of His will, as you are bound to your Lord God who is supreme in all things; as well, you are bound to those governors whom He sends, for the punishment of those who work evil and the praise of them who work for good.}}

And Peter said to him: Lord, dost thou speak this parable to me, or likewise to all? And the Lord said: Whom {singular} do you think is the {singular} faithful and wise steward, whom his Lord (shall) appoint over all of his servants {servants -- not family, as sometimes translated}, to feed them throughout the seasons? {{taken by this context, Christ is speaking directly to Peter, in a voice which only the other Apostles can hear}}

Blessed is (he [which | whom]) {this is still in the singular, as was the star in Matt 2:9 and “My servant WHOM I have chosen” in Matt 2:18, so Christ is still speaking to the Apostles, not the crowd}, whom, when his Lord shall come, he shall find so [ministering | doing]. Verily I say to you, He will set him over all that he possesses. But if that servant shall say in his heart: My lord is long delayed; and shall begin to [abuse | beat] the menservants and maidservants {see ref. above, re: servants, not ‘family’}, and to be a glutton and a drunk: The Lord of that (chief) servant will come in the day that he hopeth not, and at the hour that he knoweth not, and shall [cut him apart | cut him out], and shall give him his share along with (the) unbelievers.

And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself, and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with (only a) few stripes. {foreshadowing the scourging at the pillar} And unto whom much is given (by God), of him (even) more shall be required. And to whom He has entrusted much, of him will God demand the more (in return) {reference to the parable of the talents -- Matt 25:14~18}.
{{the implication here is that the Apostles are under a greater burden to observe Christ’s teaching with diligence, and to manifest the gifts/talents of the holy Spirit which He has bestowed upon them, than those to whom they must go and proclaim the Gospel}}

I have come to cast [down] a fire upon the Earth, and how I wish it were already burning; I have a baptism by which I must be baptized, and how troubled I am until it should be accomplished.
Do you think I have come to bring peace to the Earth? It is not peace, but division which I proclaim to you -- from this time on there shall be five in a house, three against two and two against three. Father against son and the son against his father; Mother against daughter and the daughter against her mother; mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

{{until now, Christ has been speaking to His apostles, and most specifically to Peter. Now, he turns to address the crowd who has gathered}}

And now He spoke also to the crowd, and said, when you see a cloud rising up in the west, you say ‘a shower comes’, and so it happens; and when the wind blows out of the south you say, it shall be hot, and so it is. Such hypocrites! The earth and the sky you know how to reckon, and yet these times you are unable to discern.
— Luke 12:41~56

Please note, the words above which have structural marks are (omitted/implied/derived from context) and/or (obtained from the conjugation of the associated verb); and those where a word has two reasonable meanings in the given context, then [Meaning-1 | Meaning-2] are both given -- If one meaning has a stronger/better fit in the particular context, then I have bolded that meaning. Reference to other uses of the same word, phrase, or concept are given in single {brackets}. My personal commentary is given in {{double brackets}}

8 years ago

Please whomever deleted my comment made regarding this article and its passage, please reapply it.
Censoring and deleting the Hebrew interpretations of this passages meaning was required?

If it will be acceptable and thus then readable to others, I’ll place it in double brackets as well.

Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
8 years ago

It is good to see that you are struggling with God’s Word David. We all come from different paths where Satan has corrupted our understanding to promote his ways. In 1 Peter 2 we find this:

1Pe 2:1
Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
1Pe 2:2
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
1Pe 2:3
If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

LT has provided an accurate explanation of what you are struggling with. If you diligently seek the truth that is found in the OT and NT, the Lord will feed you in ways that the world cannot. Liberty found in Him is different from the liberty that the world teaches. I recognize your struggle because I have struggled with the Word of God in many of the ways as you do. Submit to the “sincere milk of the word,” so “that ye may grow.”