Last Year:
Islamic State terrorists have begun their promised killing of Christians in Mosul, and they have started with the children. According to a report via CNN, a Chaldean-American businessman has said that killings have started in Mosul and children’s heads are being erected on poles in a city park.
Muslims Take Sixteen People, Shoot All Of Them To Their Deaths In Firing Squad, They Then Take Ten More People, And Saw Their Heads Off
Muslims in Syria — all members of ISIS — made yet another bloodbath in the Syrian city of Palmyra. They took sixteen innocent civilians, and slaughtered them all by firing squad. They then took ten more people and sawed their heads off. As we read in the report:
Our government hides the reality of Islam from us. And truthfully, most people do not want to see the terror that surrounds us. You have a decision to make: face reality or suffer the consequences. Will you deny Christ?
David DeGerolamo