ISIS Feeds Starving Mother Her 3 Year Old Child


A Yazidi community member has shared a gruesome story where one mother captured by the Islamic State terror group was told she ate the meat of her own toddler. The Yazidis have been speaking out about the atrocities they continue suffer at the hands of IS, and have criticized President Obama for not doing enough to help them.

Vian Dakhil spoke with Politico on Wednesday and explained that as many as 2,200 Yazidi women and girls have been kidnapped by IS and are being used a sex slaves. Another 420,000 Yazidis are living in refugee camps, which includes thousands of orphans who have no home.

Dakhil shared one particularly horrifying story, where IS fighters forced a starving mother to eat the meat of her own child, or at least told her so.

“One of the mothers calls me … she said ‘for two days the ISIS doesn’t give me any food’ and they separated her children. One of them is 3 years and another is 5 years, after two days they give her rice with meat. After she’s eating, she tell her this is your boy — 3 years,” Dakhil said.

“She tells me please, I can’t, I don’t know what can I do — I’m eating my son. This is what happened with those woman under ISIS control and nobody cares.”

Another mother was forced to watch her 9-year-old daughter being raped to death, Dakhil shared in a separate account.



Terror is effective in subduing people by instilling unbelievable fear with acts of evil. While Obama continues his agenda against Christianity, Putin is fighting against ISIS in the name of Christianity. Their real motives will become clear as will the consequences.

I can only wonder if we will be able to look back at this time in the future with Sacred honor. Will you deny Christ in order to appease Islam? Will you pick up a sword to defend Christianity?

David DeGerolamo

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