The following passage comes directly from the Sira and illustrates the brutality of jihad in the quest to dominate all non-Muslims:
After the battle Mohammed put the Jews under siege for twenty-five days. Finally, the Jews offered to submit their fate to a Muslim, Saad, with whom they had had been an ally in the past. His judgment was simple. Kill all the men. Take their property and take the women and children as captives. Mohammed said, “You have given the judgment of Allah.”
The captives were taken into Medina. They dug trenches in the market place of Medina. It was a long day, but 800 Jews met their death that day. Mohammed and his twelve year old wife sat and watched the entire day and into the night. The Apostle of Allah had every male Jew killed.
Mohammed took the property, wives and children of the Jews, and divided it up amongst the Muslims. Mohammed took his one fifth of the slaves and sent a Muslim with the female Jewish slaves to a nearby city where the women were sold for pleasure. Mohammed invested the money from the sale of the female slaves for horses and weapons. (Sira; Ishaq:684, 690, 693)
One only needs to read the latter half of their filthy qur’an to KNOW they’ll NEVER assimilate but, rather, SUBJUGATE all non-mozlems. The latter half abrogates the first half, rendering it null and void.
But those trying to sugar-coat islam, like Nihad Awad of CAIR, for instance, will NEVER tell you that. They’ll focus on the “Meccan” qur’an, the first of mohomo’s “peaceful” scrawlings, instead of the latter, violent, “Medinah” qur’an, deceiving the unwary.