Islamic invasion pulls trigger: Europe now scrambles for guns

Austrians are arming themselves at record rates in an effort to defend their households against feared attacks from Muslim invaders.

Tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent months on their way to Germany and Sweden, two wealthy European countries that have laid out the welcome mat for migrants. More than a million will end up in Germany alone by the end of this year, according to estimates from the German government.

Obtaining a working firearm and ammunition in Germany, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands is practically impossible for the average citizen. Germany, for instance, requires a psychological evaluation, the purchase of liability insurance and verifiable compliance with strict firearms storage and safety rules. And self-defense is not even a valid reason to purchase a gun in these countries.

The laws in Austria, while still strict, are a bit less overbearing.

A Czech TV report confirms that long guns – shotguns and rifles – have been flying off the shelves in Austria, and Austrians who haven’t already purchased a gun may not have a chance to get one for some time. They’re all sold out.

And those arming themselves are primarily women.



Women are arming themselves for two reasons in Europe:

  1. They are being raped by Muslims.
  2. Their men will not protect them.

What will you do: fight or vote?

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

this is a prime example of what happens to nations that throw God out of every decision they make. they hated God for no reason, and God spun them all off to there own vile reprobate filthy perverted minds, and this is there end result of nations hating God. The Lord has brought this upon these nations who hate him and now they are reaping what they have sowed. the only way out for these nations is to repent from there heinous sins beginning with there leadership first then all the way down to the lowest of persons.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Amen Phil.

Since God is in fact love, then it stands to reason that as one moves further away from Him the natural affections, love, one feels for himself, his wife, his family, and his nation also fade leaving them undefended and subject to attack as well as destruction. We can see this at work here in the U.S. too.

9 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

You are correct, the scriptures state , the love of many will wax cold or worse and worse as the day of the Lord draws near, and you are right on, they have no love,nor fear of the Lord. these perverts of Satan only love themselves because they are all narcissistic brute beats worthy of death, and death is coming there way. As for the U.S. ,we are doomed also because our leaders have turned to Satan as there God instead of Jehova. We are falling very fast now and the negro islamic sodomite was put in there for that very reason, but when we fall the sodomite will be taken out at that time or his colostomy bag will explode all over him and he will die a terrible death.