Islamic State crushes and coerces on march towards Baghdad

A general view shows Tikrit University, where Iraqi special forces clashed with fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) last month, July 18, 2014.  REUTERS-Stringer

Using its own version of “soft” and “hard” power, the Islamic State is crushing resistance across northern Iraq so successfully that its promise to march on Baghdad may no longer be unrealistic bravado.

While conventional states try to win hearts and minds abroad before necessarily resorting to military force, the jihadist group is also achieving its aims by psychological means – backed up by a reputation for extreme violence.

The Islamic State, which in June captured a vast stretch of territory in the north including the largest city Mosul, used this strategy when its fighters met armed resistance from the town of al-Alam for 13 days running.

They kidnapped 30 local families and rang up the town’s most influential citizens with a simple message about the hostages: “You know their destiny if you don’t let us take over the town.”



While we were misdirected (again) by the MH17 attack, ISIS became renamed: it is now the Islamic State. Or Caliphate. The consequences of a new Caliphate will be felt worldwide. We are seeing these consequences in Syria, Iraq and in Muslim demonstrations across the world supporting “Palestine”. What will you do when jihad comes knocking on your door?

David DeGerolamo

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