Islamic State to Spain: “We will recover our land from the invaders”

rise islamic state review

The Qur’an tells Muslims: “Drive them out from where they drove you out.” (2:191) This is the basis for the idea that any land that belonged to the Muslims at any time belongs by right to the Muslims forever. That includes Spain.

 “ISIS TERROR WARNING: Jihadists threaten to attack SPAIN in chilling new propaganda clip,” by Tom Parfitt, Express, January 22, 2016:

The jihadist group’s latest chilling propaganda video features an ancient map of the Iberian Peninsula which slowly turns to red.


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9 years ago

iam just waiting for the spanish socialist government to sign the deed over to the murdering pigs out of fear of being killed., but they will kill them anyway so signing over the deed to the nation wont mean a hill of beans to these pig murderers, the people of Spain need to kill all invading islamics and deport everyone whom is islamic. each islamic must be labeled and tagged for deportation, if not then you will be committing suicide like Germany and the rest of the lunatics north of them.