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- Doug grows potatoes on Children Running the Government
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Children Running the Government
- ***VII on Voting Consequences
- Roth Harbard on Why Does Trump Want Greenland and Canada?
- kal kal on Another Democrat Fedsurrection on January 20th?
His lawsuit will have to be heard in a courtroom. A GOVERNMENT controlled courtroom. That means he’s just pissing into the wind.
Congress is full of maggot worms lower than dirt and pond scum. they are all useless Marxist commies following the demon-rat party line. This party must be extinguished if we are to survive. it’s an evil and very wicked satanic party full of demon possessed dogs.
I read the previous two comments, while I agree that all avenues are clogged with evil and money grubbers(congress), this is what we have to work with AND due to persistence, the alt media and people have made a difference. The world is not just nor is it fair, but that does NOT mean lay down and take it. I refuse! REMEMBER IF WE DO NOT QUIT, WE WIN! “We are fought on the basis our potential,” not on what is today. the Wisdom Keys
Now you know who controls what you see, hear and otherwise consume on paper, movies, television, internet--and now am seeing billboards along the highways locally. I don’t think Joseph Goebbels (Nazi propaganda minister) had this level of information control in the German totalitarian state. What gets me is that there is a huge percentage of Christian conservatives who buy into this stuff--hook, line and sinker. And especially look at Dan Crenshaw who stated not too long ago that, “America would not exist if it were not for Israel” --yeah, this fool said that. So we know who butters this guy’s bread--and it ain’t you or I. The bigger question is, how much butter is being spread around--and who else is getting their bread buttered?
And you’re not gonna’ see this on the ‘controlled media’ here in the USA.
Absolutely shocking. Scroll down for the video…
That’s good news, though Suppression of Truth was to be a sure thing -Romans 1:18