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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 months ago

Modern warfare is so much different from previous. Hacking technology like this, drones, hypersonics… throw your old rule books out. They ain’t worth a $hit.
Now for the lewrning exercise: what happens when this hits our shores? Grid goes down? Water stops working? EBT cards? What weak point is simple to collapse without firing a shot?

5 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Or the weak point is to create a circular firing squad of purge style civil war.

EBT Cards, plus grid down should do it well enough.

In the Great Depression people suffered and a lot of sketchy stuff occurred but we didn’t have masses of media motivated people dividing our country and masses of mostly military aged illegal immigrants equipped with cell phones and credit cards wandering around.

If my concerns about the Democrats dumping the Greater Depression-America’s Bankruptcy on Trump-MAGA are accurate, we have around 100 days before the economic crash really hits.

Got trusted friends and trusted family to weather the storm?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I go back and forth on this one, I think the other side see’s it as A or B.
The lengths they’ve gone so far tell you they do NOT want Trump to get in. To be fair, he should hang them if he does. IF he gets in somehow, plan B would be to tank it all on his watch and let the ANTIFA brown shirts loose…. so take Cloward Pliven to the conclusion on his watch, as postulated. But I still think that’s plan B… if Kackles gets in through the massive fraud it would take, I still do not see Americans rioting… ergo I believe that is Plan A.

5 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe, I hear you, but the point IS Smart Money Knew the Great Depression was enroute. Not exact date but knew it was coming soon. They cashed out and moved their Gold Overseas.

Plenty of Smart Money GOT RICHER in the Great Depression buying up failed business for pennies on the dollar.

Today the Smart Money is cashing out (insider selling) and I’d LOVE to get real time information on Pelosi’s stock portfolio right now (protected by Congressional laws how nice) to see what she (a MOST successful stock picker in history) is doing right now.

Not to repeat what I said above, read it again please.

How sweet to dump the troubles on Trump-MAGA-Repugs (no love between the 2 wings of the uniparty) and come back as HEROS for an FDR style 4 term BEST PREZ Evar award.

Democrats have been playing the long game forever. It took decades of infiltrating the teachers’ unions to 99% democrat-liberals to teach our children into ignorance of the Republic and the founding fathers’ ideas.

Decades to implant deep staters that serve the Obummer and HIS handlers.

What’s allowing the chaos for a few years mean to that? The REAL BIG DOGS would cash out go to ground to a safe country and await their return.

The lower level operatives think they are important. They forget how easily the BIG BOYS toss aside useless people often USING them as scapegoats to deflect the anger of “We the people”.

tom finley
tom finley
5 months ago

Think Venezuela, our elections are no different, they have dominion voting machines + the illegal vote. Camel toe has already been elected, we are just going through the motions of a fair and legal selection, as I continue to say, TINVOWOOT, we need to get off our knees.