It Ain’t Going to Get Better

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4 years ago

There is a time to live and there’s a time to die. There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. I don’t recall anywhere in the Bible where it said there is a time to cancel all that is good. Greatness has shown it’s beautiful head and the evil forces have been trying to lop it off! We are still in awe as we wait . We know good will prevail. We know good must prevail. America land of the free, was built by the brave but is being destroyed by the liberals, the feel good culture. By the people that have had everything handed to them. Being raised by parents who assumed the children would be patriotic as they had been raised but failed miserably in that task. Yes I was one of them. Now we have generations we don’t love this country or what it stands for. Who want to destroy with our forefathers fought and died for. Oh but for four years We witnessed Greatness, a warrior, our hero and we wonder will Hercules rise again to save this great country or will it go by the way of Rome. He was attacked from day one from every angle and at the same time worshiped by millions. I feel privilege do you have seen one man single-handedly try to right this ship. I wonder well we see another David and goliath in this lifetime by the name of Donald J Trump fighting the Giants in the underbelly of Washington DC.To quote Jim Caviezel‘s last interview where he said there are absolutely somethings worth dying for. God bless America but if He doesn’t then God bless Texit ya’ll!!

4 years ago

Remember that Movie, “Mad Max” ? It was set in 2021.