It Begins… Starving Migrants Raid NYC Supermarket

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7 days ago

Like Gomer Pyle always says “Surprise Surprise Surprise”

7 days ago

it’s all part of the democrat plan to destroy the nation and monetary system while collapsing food supplies. these idiots left wing dem.s believe they will rebuild their new communist utopia after they collapse United States to a third world crap hole. well, I hate to break it to them, we won’t allow them to rebuild anything. they will all be buried deep in the ground where they all belong when it begins.

Last edited 7 days ago by Phil1350
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
6 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

That’s the part they don’t get. They think they’ll be able to control the animals once they let them out of their cages. And the firing won’t be 2-way. The weird thing is, they KNOW we have all the guns, they keep trying to take them away… Or maybe that is their plan/point.. keep us so busy shooting all of them we won’t take aim at the source of the problem? They are the masters of deflection, when the shit splatters it never seems to get on their clothes.

7 days ago

Arab Spring American Style.

tom finley
tom finley
7 days ago

For the most part NYC residents are un-armed and a good majority of them support the commie regime. They are sheep for the slaughter and prime targets for the illegal criminals, have not noticed them in numbers as of yet in my town. We better harden up and get serious, offense is always a better tactful position than defense.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
6 days ago

So sorry to hear. You’re having troubles, eh? Such a shame.

6 days ago

Just a tail-view assessment….. I don’t see any “starving” folks there…. nor any women…..

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
6 days ago

This and other reasons is why we prep.
Having enough staple supplies, water, guns, and a meat source we’ll get through SHTF while waiting for the dust to settle and rebuild our republic.

6 days ago

Did I mention that the government hates us? They want us dead. They brought in their killers. Act accordingly.

lol no
lol no
4 days ago

Maybe the media and tyrant politicians can tell us more about how we don’t need 30 round magazines…

Joanne Mitchell
Joanne Mitchell
3 days ago

I was recently shopping in the produce section of a super Walmart. Suddenly, the people around me and I found ourselves pushed aside by a horde of barely dressed men, descending on the piles of vegetable and fruits like they had never seen food in their lives. They were not speaking English and oblivious to any of us shopping. One by one, we all looked at each other and went to check out.