If Harris and Walz weren't radical enough, check out her proposed cabinet: Eric Holder as Chief of Staff, Jake Sullivan as Secretary of State, Rahm Emanuel as National Security Advisor. Notice a pattern? The Obama/Biden "Fundamental Transformation" continues… pic.twitter.com/7LAHN6wiq3
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 15, 2024
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I guess Hillary will be the Ambassador to Ukraine it’s her turn to get kickbacks.
Don’t worry, she will be replaced in Chicago at the Demons National Conversion next week.
Seems a little confident to be picking staff? Maybe they have assurance that she will win. Be prepared, the cheat is on
Oh I guarantee it.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!
Have you all seen this?
If not, please make this go viral.
I believe this is a satirical story which is being used to make Trump supporters look badly.
We need to start hanging people, really fucking quick.
Feed these bastards and anyone associated with them 308 pills.
The cast of clowns known as the Star Chamber puppets.
The problem with running a deep fake is leakers. If they are planning on letting Harris ascend the “throne” they are facing massive chaos as the ongoing inflation turns to the Harris “Price Controls” and the soviet style long lines in HOPE (hope and change anyone?) of Food being there when you get in the store.
So thus, the rank and file (including puppet Harris) MUST think it’s a real RUN to WIN.
A “Surprise, they must have CHEATED Trump “Victory” will give them a pass on the economic and social shit sandwich of a Greater Depression-American Bankruptcy event.
And in the Hooverville shanty towns to give a known Socialist FDR 4 TERMS as President. What a PRIZE.
Either way, from the POV of a bit of sand in the avalanche, my goals are well known.
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family. In times of chaos the first thing is a good relationship with your creator and trusted people around you.
Tempus Fugit, how many days until “Something Occurs”?