It is about time people start holding the media accountable when they print lies

From Shannon Greathead on Facebook:

ATTENTION CHEROKEE COUNTY RESIDENTS: I am calling out Dr. Robin Auerbach and Barry Lester from Roswell, GA. Former land owners in Cherokee County. I am also calling out any of the Floridian and other Georgia residents that have supposedly known Mr. Ed Figueroa for so so many years. I am also calling out to David Brown, Cherokee Scout Editor and or owners of the Scout office or their staff writers and contributing writers to have a face to face meeting.

I would just absolutely love how in the hell you can at any remote chance call first off Eduardo Figueroa Commissioner Candidate for 4th district…responsible, honest, trustworthy, and compassionate? Not one of his endorsing individual letters are from a single Cherokee County Resident or even a full time resident if they want to get technical and say well we own property up there and you visit what maybe 3 months out of the year..yeah that’s a resident alright…beside the point…if he is such a good man, good candidate then why isn’t he running in your state or counties? Why isn’t he seeking elections where he might stand a chimemans chance in hell of getting votes….He has consistently tried to demean and slander candidates that do not see things HIS WAY…he also does the same to individual citizens…compassionate…HE IS NOT…there is more compassion in the rear end of a field rat than there is in the man.

I do not want to hear about his DOD days as a tactical this and that, contractor this and this his experience at this and that to hear him talk HES DONE IT ALL…bull freaking SNOT!!!! My 22 soon to be 23 year old son has done more tours in the past 5 years as a Marine and I can guarantee you has had more front line combat time in than Ed ever has as far as the military goes…don’t even try to use that line to gain respect because any good soldier doesn’t demand respect ITS EARNED AND ITS GAINED BY THE MOMENT THEY WALK IN FRONT OF YOU and you recognize their stripes, unit or their wounds. If you served I haven’t met a real soldier to this day that has ever demanded respect or tooted their own horn for doing so to get a pat on the back except those that are craving attention.

The next thing I want to say is that when it comes to prepping groups they are all over this country far and wide and many great ones…but you know what if a person goes into a group with the mindset its their way or the highway and the attitude that I have seen displayed by this man I would have kicked him out on his ear from day one..but it wasn’t my group, and I was not a member and a mere citizen with concerns. I have heard his rants and raves up in the face of Dr. Eichenbaum’s wife in a public place…I went in with my cane in front of me not even knowing it was her until after introducing myself to break up the arguing as I recognized Edward I was figuring well its now or never to meet and greet…but to have a so called grown man with any respect in his bones whatsoever to snarl and scream down and back talk and get up in the face of not one but now two women and then suggest we take it outside??? Seriously that’s a man you want in office for anything??? A man that can not control his temper or frustrations at being asked simple questions….now from the beginning I simply asked a few questions got no answers and one thing has led to another and another and he has made many attempts at trying to come after me in whatever manner he thinks that is working…(its not..btw)….folks on his page have accused me from being insane, a nutjob, a paid shill, a distractor put in place by his competition to distract him from his purpose at this election…well dude hate to break it to you…all I did was had 15 questions that I sent to you and everyone else and you failed to answer them I got answers from everyone I needed to and from those I didn’t that’s ok because I have seen where they stand enough to know their agenda…You have been too chicken faced to even answer one simple question…your reply WELL I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER AS I DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE PRIMARY…what kind of politician thinks in that manner? One that thinks that little of the folks in the county he wants to represent??? One that should be doing everything he can to get out and meet and greet as many as he can and let them get to know him and be well informed of his intentions…but nope…GUESS IT WILL BE ONE OF THOSE SURPRISE LIKE OBAMA moments…maybe he has a magic teleprompter hidden that will show up eventually and words will magically start appearing before him so he can speak…but I doubt that…

I know this is a long post but guess what I don’t care Primary is almost upon us and it ain’t stopping for this ole gal its full steam ahead for me and the folks that I talk to daily…btw you may not hear from them but guess what its because they don’t have to speak….I have been doing a lot of it for em…just because I am that kinda gal and can…

So to the scout Editor David Brown and your staff writers….Perhaps you need to have the person that is taking notes actually be taking notes at the meetings instead of playing on their handheld devices and leaving the room and missing part of the conversation…and perhaps you should consider hiring a FEW GOOD CONSERVATIVE WRITERS!!!! Remember fair, balanced news? You do know what that is right?

As for the letter regarding Sheriff Keith Lovin and the firing of Sport Teasdale and it being political or because his family member ran against Mr. Lovin in a previous race…seriously???? Lets do better than that…You may not like Lovin…no one says you must but if you are going to tell truths then TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH…not half-assed stories.

Again, the hypocrites in this town alone could fill all of MHS gym and a few others…am I perfect? Nope never claimed to be and never will..if I make a mistake I will acknowledge I made it, apologize and try to go forward from it…but when some women in the county have bigger sets of nads then most men in this county to stand up and speak out against what they believe is wrong and speak for what they believe is right then that tells me we have some work to do.

I will be glad once Primaries are over no lie there but it is just the beginning and where do we start if we want acceptable change and positive change that WE ALL CAN LIVE WITH…not just a handful of outsiders…we start in our backyards, with our local governing offices and go from there.

On a side note…still find it funny someone thought they had me all figured out….I am like no other that you have ever met before and like none you will ever meet again. Peace, love and Blessings Neighbors and Friends and enjoy the beautiful crisp night damp air…


Here is the letter to the editor:

robin and barry lte

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Tired of Liberal Bias
Tired of Liberal Bias
10 years ago

Most media is run by liberal elitists. Guess we can’t expect it to be any different in our rural communities. The Scout’s liberal bias has been evident for years. I remember when it put in an official request to Sheriff Lovin for a list of the names of all concealed carry permit holders in Cherokee County. Thankfully, the sheriff understands right to privacy as well as the potential safety risk exposure to permit holders as well as non-permit holders. The folks were so outraged over that request that the Scout was forced to backed down and had to get rid of Robert Horne! Way to go Shannon Greathead!