It Is Going To Take Much More Than The Pacifist Way To Defeat The Evil We Are Faced With.

Anyone else watch the clown show of a press briefing yesterday? It’s ok, I watched it for you if you missed it. After the new press secretary was done patting herself on the back for being the first openly gay, black, woman, press secretary, three first according to her. She proceeded to inform me that the biggest threat our nation faces is that of “Domestic White Supremacist Terrorism.” I think what she meant was, anyone who is white and doesn’t agree with the communist agenda is an enemy of the state. I don’t know any white supremacist. Do you? I don’t know any racist. Do you? They’ll use this event in Buffalo to bring freedom of speech and gun control back to forefront. Let’s not worry about the millions of people hurting from our economy.

So everyone here reading this is considered a domestic terrorist. Maybe it’s time we actually show them what they want?

I’ve had many conversations with people over the last few weeks about the predicament we find ourselves in. I keep getting told things like “we have to play the long game.” “It took a hundred years to get us into this mess, it’s going to take us that long or longer to get out of it.” Folks, we don’t have that time. I keep hearing things like we have to start at the bottom up, work locally, take over the school boards and county commissions. Been there, done that, got the t-shirts. If you’re a regular reader here at NCRenegade, you know what I’ve done. Sure I succeeded for a time, but this evil we are faced with runs deep and voting at it, just makes it laugh. I just can’t get excited about the upcoming elections. Even if we take back over the House, Senate and many local boards, tell me what exactly is that going to do. TPTB no longer care. They don’t play by the rules. They will continue to run headstrong in to their global communism agenda regardless of what we do. What happened when Trump had the House and Senate? Nothing. It was disappointing to watch as we had total control and wouldn’t use that power like our enemies do every chance they get.   

I used to believe that we could vote our way out. I used to believe we could take over the local political offices. I used to believe we could get good people into the national political offices. Those dreams for me were crushed many years ago. Now I have to sit and watch, while our country falls farther into decay, and wait for more people to realize that there is no political solution to this problem. What we are faced with is Tyranny! And unfortunately Violence is the only way we can destroy it. Those of us that are Liberty minded are all that stands in the way of this Tyranny. We have to stop this march of totalitarianism.

So how do we organize? Therein lies another problem. Building community. A long time ago I helped found and organize a chapter of Oathkeepers here in my hometown. We would have hundreds of people show up for meetings. Which drew attention. Gradually over time very few would show up and after two years it was over. I’ve organized other meetings and it’s always the same, people are fired up in the beginning. They are happy to be among like-minded people. But that enthusiasm quickly fades when it comes time to actually put in time and effort to learn things or be active in something. We seem to suffer from a lack of solutions while having many conceptual solutions to this evil we are faced with. Most of our solutions center around a pacifist take on things. Pray and Vote. Anything but violence. I understand the allure of such ways. Nobody wants war after all. It is going to take much more than the pacifist way to defeat this evil we are faced with.

People say violence is just what TPTB want. They’ll use it against us. They say we need a vast majority of people to join us in order to be successful. They say that our government is too powerful to take up arms against. A physical fight is now inevitable folks. We have been labeled enemies of the state. They are coming for us whether you like it or not. Assuming that we need a majority of people to be successful, is to deny the many events of the past. The odds of our success should not matter. It should only matter that we fight evil.

I don’t really care if you agree with me that violence is needed. It’s coming whether you like it or not. TPTB are actively doing everything they can to bring the pain. People are beginning to suffer. Our lives will only continue to get worse the longer we allow ourselves to suffer under this tyranny. I don’t fear death. I don’t desire it either. But make no mistake, the choice to fight or die is fast approaching. The sooner everyone wraps their heads around those two choices, the sooner we can deal with these evil tyrants.


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2 years ago

Agree with you. It doesn’t matter voting anymore or who is in office. Everything is run by the government agencies, the “swamp.”
When things get spicy, those should be the targets. The managerial class of the swamp.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The belief that we need a 50%+1 majority is ludicrous and anyone saying so is lying for whatever reason. There is only one way and it has worked throughout history. VIOLENCE, we need to coalesce around that concept and act, the whole of this illegal regime is in lock step to kill us or bring us into submission. It is hard to wrap our minds around that these so called benevolent masters want us dead and gone, I have excepted those facts and will fight with every ounce of my being to defeat them.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Do your research before having opinions. Much has been written about what is required for a guerrilla movement to win. One of the several requirements is at least the passive support of a large majority of the population. Otherwise the guerrillas have no one to hide amongst or to get support from. This is why all COIN theory revolves around severing the support for the guerrillas by the people.

If you can’t get 50% +1 to vote for you, you aren’t going to get ~70% to turn a blind eye to shenanigans and to supply you when getting caught means they get shot.

2 years ago

Soon political problems wont be problems at all, after all, politics is only the distraction.

2 years ago

I agree with your assessment and God bless the Oathkeepers

Team Humanity
2 years ago

I feel your frustration. Hell, we’re two weeks out from Diesel Armageddon and the drones around me seem to think it’s still 1999 and the party is never going to end. Frankly, I’m sick to death of Alex fucking Jones and his constant bleat “No violence, don’t give them what they want.” It’s the same strategy as the Q Anon psyop — get the patriot opposition to stand down and wait for the white hat saviors that never materialize. Here’s the realization I’ve come to: the vast majority of people in this country WON’T do a fucking thing until it’s too late. They need to go through this. They need to learn the hard way what it is they’ve so cavalierly squandered: their freedom. I’ve been trying to do my part to get this take action message out there, made this info site: which gives anyone interested all the pdf files necessary to fight the unconventional fight. I’ve also tried to get folks to change the way they buy the products they use every day. Instead of giving that cash to filthy globalist trash like WalMart and Amazon, give it to a 30 year old American company that supports America First, doesn’t donate one dime to democommie causes like BLM and whose CEO was the number one target of the Obama gang to shut down as the most dangerous conservative in America. You’d think people would flock to something like this. Nope. People are not willing to lift a finger one inch to get outside of their comfortable shoe bubbles. Change the way I buy things? Even if its easier than going to WalMart? Thanks, but I’m comfortable financing my own destruction. That website I’m referring to is So, I’m not very confident that the vast majority are going to miraculously sprout spines and start slaying the dragons that need slaying.

2 years ago

Well someone has to be the tallest nail, remember that one gets hammered first

2 years ago

Sadly I do know some racists who have fallen into the divide and conquer trap instead of focusing their energy on the true enemy which is the deep state globalists/marxists. They count on the simple-minded to be easily exploitable and they are. The vast majority, however, are not falling for this trick.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

If we are to come out of this mess, it will take a rising of armed, Christian minded people to carry the load.

2 years ago

You don’t ask a croc 🐊 please don’t eat me .. you have to fight him off, outsmart him, whatever.. do a Mick Dundee on the swamp reptiles.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

I’ll say it again. Communists living in Europe in the early 1900’s created the word “racist”. It has no meaning. It is merely a Marxist pejorative. They say they invented the word in order to intimidate White people out of the political process. So that they could destroy the West through diversity and multiculturalism. Look familiar? Repeat after me, I have a right to self determination. Just like everyone else. I have legitimate demographic self interest. Just like anyone else. You are not racist. You are ethnocentric, just like everybody else. And the words “White Supremist” are a derogatory term used against White people just for being White. Tada!

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Great points.
It’s ridiculous when people point out that race is used to separate us, because it’s so obvious. The problem with their argument is that it assumes races can get along as long as some guy on the internet tells them we are all the same. It doesn’t work that way. Non-white races will always see us as an Other, which is why the Left brought so many over here. To create chaos that they can profit from. The solution isn’t to pretend that non-whites will suddenly become Western and European, the solution is to separate ourselves from them.

Tragoudi Arpa
Tragoudi Arpa
2 years ago

I have been saying these things for a while now. My question is — where is the line where we decide to fight? I think for many it will be too little too late, but every push back is something. The one thing most of the evil ones understand is what a bully understands -- push back force. When we were kids at school, a teacher or parent or principle — an outside force — had to come in to stop bullying. Otherwise, it was left for us to duke it out amongst ourselves. The only thing bullies understand is force.

Elder Son
2 years ago

I don’t really care if you agree with me that violence is needed. It’s coming whether you like it or not. TPTB are actively doing everything they can to bring the pain. People are beginning to suffer.

That my friend, is the plan.

And when squeezed with enough… incentive, most people will get on the Train.

After all, didn’t most of you fall for this, despite some of you, having late misgivings…

I’m thinking 8 out of 10 of your frens, family, acquaintances will turn on you for the Jab Train, that is too good to be true.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

I learned this at an early age, force has to met with an equal or greater force, universal law of physics. I started training in the art of boxing at about 10 or 11 years old, graduated to the martial arts in the early 80s and have been at it ever since. I chose a street style karate, it does not incorporate all the hollywood BS. I have also been reloading my own ammo since the early 90s, all I can say is practice, practice, practice. What the martial arts taught me was discipline, restraint and respect. I have chosen to remove restraint at this point, this is war whether you are willing to fight or not, I choose to fight.

2 years ago

With the US Mil brass and Leftist Gov cutting off the arms to spite the body, it’s going to actually be HARDER for them to deal with us when the time comes. There will be no sitting in the camps, burning and wishing we had acted, at least not among us. We may be at a political disadvantage to the evil scum in DC, and they cay control the trashist media mouthpieces, but we are damn sure NOT a helpless minority that they will overrun and enslave.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

I recently had a letter to the editor published in a local TN newspaper. It challenged the gubmint Ukraine narrative. Never underestimate the power of the pen. I will send it to you if you like. You can use it a motivation to try your hand at this. You can send it out to anyone you like . Email me at if I can be of any help. I love this site but we are the choir. Each of us must a find a way to reach out. God does the rest.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Yes, I’ve always said angry ltr’s to the editor will scare satan worshiping trillionaire’s backed by all the army’s of the western world back into their lairs. Go get’em Stan! LOL

2 years ago
Reply to  anon

No, but it does let like-minded people know they are not alone. One of the big tricks in our enemies arsenal is controlling the media, which lets them make people feel like their beliefs are an outlier. That they are the alien with weird beliefs, rather than part of a majority that should not let themselves get pushed around.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  anon

Proverbs 15:1
“A soft answer turneth away wrath.”
An “angry ltr’s to the editor?” Sorry anon, my letters start with biblical principles of communication. I don’t send angry letters. My goal is to light a fire under someone who knows something is wrong but needs help finding out what it is. My goal is not to scare a sociopath hell bent on ruining our children and grandchildren’s future. What are you doing to help wake up the dying populace?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Sorry about my poor communication. I was addressing those on your site who are new or been around wondering often aloud “what can be done to stop this?” I believe there are small local privately owned newspapers that would publish letters. I didn’t mean to imply that you haven’t traveled that road already.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

You already said that identical same thing on another article?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

I did. There’s a simple reason. How do I know everyone reads every comment on every article on this site? I know I pick and choose which articles I read and which comment sections.
In addition, I happen to think this is important. I’ve been on tremendous alt sites for years and have yet to read one awake person say in their comment that they are trying this strategy. The most I’ve heard is that their guns are ready. The Founding Fathers were amazing writers. Guns were the last options after the pen and paper didn’t work.

Wendy Hulett
Wendy Hulett
2 years ago

I agree, they have us working so hard just to survive in this world that most don’t have the energy to pay attention to what is going on or the energy to do anything “politically” and even when we do it accomplishes nothing because unless you have a lot of money no one wants to hear what you say. That being said I think after next week when the UN takes over our country via the WHO, we will have no choice but to defend ourselves.

Christopher Martel
Christopher Martel
2 years ago

You do realize that DHS is going to be looking at this article, be very careful what you say or post, FJB is watching and waiting to bury any and all white population he can!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I do not care what part of the globohomo regime is watching or listening to me. The brown shirts of the dhs or whoever, I am just speaking for myself.

Gonna Gitcha
Gonna Gitcha
2 years ago

it’s all fun and games until the bullets start flying. when they do the time to clean up those that caused this mess is then and leave no stone unturned in the process -- hunt them down and take them out until every last one of them is gone so the world can live in peace once again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gonna Gitcha

Unfortunately for that fantasy, we would lose. As I have said many times on this website, much research has been done about what it takes to win a guerrilla war. We have almost none of the requirements.

2 years ago

“A physical fight is now inevitable folks. We have been labeled enemies of the state. They are coming for us whether you like it or not.” True
“TPTB no longer care. They don’t play by the rules. They will continue to run headstrong in to their global communism agenda regardless of what we do.” True
” But make no mistake, the choice to fight or die is fast approaching.”True
We know and believe these top 3 statements. Then the key statement imo:
“People are beginning to suffer”
But not enough people and not enough suffering.
You cannot “save” people, who in their own estmation, Don’t Need Saving.
It takes patience and fortitude to hold fire until you “see the whites of their eyes”. The Bolsheviks will come, the Invasion will come, the Feral Gov/ NWO will come, No Doubts. “When” is “Enough” is the only question. To be Prepared is my only answer, be it one or ten. There will be No more Wacos or Ruby Ridges that go uncontested, Let Us Reconcile on that.

Last edited 2 years ago by GenEarly
2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly


2 years ago

The Rosary said en masse and many people attending Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are our only peaceful means left at this point in my view. Its spiritual warfare.. .God has to be invited in to intervene on our behalf..because we are at war with the followers of Lucifer . So many of our leaders are members of the occult… Good vs evil.. at war.
Nothing outside of prayer , fasting, will change anything at this late hour.
. Look what happened in the Phillipines, Rosaries in hand, these women and children faced the guns and the army who had orders to mow them down.. nobody was harmed. Prayer en masse chanages things.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bryan

Well said Bryan. God is in charge of ALL. Prepare, because we see what is coming. Patience, as stated here in someone’s comment is key and while we are being patient and prepping we pray continually. Inviting the Lord into our lives and having conversations with him is that light that will lead us forward as to the ‘when and where’.
As a side note, no one here has mentioned our militias. All is quiet on that front and much of what is written on this site to bring a fire under people to act is risky business--remember those still imprisoned for ‘showing up’ to voice their concerns on 1/6.

2 years ago

Get this guy’s course on how to form communities instead of getting yourself killed or locked up.
If you want to take one for team humanity, then Gates, Soros, Schwab and their idiot children are all there for you. Hmm, probably Musk as well. He’s a big faker whose onboard with it all.

2 years ago

Formerly, I would agree with you. However, I recognize that not only is our nation in its present state corrupt, but it has always been corrupt along with the entire world. The only teue light is Jesus Christ. He is the only redemption. This entire planet is reserved for fire, so I am not interested in fighting to save, maintain, or reatore any of it. None of it is redeemable.

Those who wish to be redeemed should run to Jesus Christ, the rest should prepare to be thrown into the fire.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

More Jesus gibberish. The Bible can be interpreted many different ways. If you choose to interpret it as pushing a cowardly slave morality, that says more about you than it does about Jesus.
When asking yourself ‘WWJD’, remember that taking a whip to a bunch of bankers is amongst the possibilities.
“Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”
Luke 22:36

Last edited 2 years ago by Zorost
Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago
