It Is So Obvious, Even a Child Can Understand It

The video above shows us that the truth can be clearly discerned by the people of all ages if they have ears to hear. The difference when a 12 year old presents the argument is striking. No agenda or political motives can be attributed to her:  her innocence and motives are both pure. She presents the ONLY argument around which we must unite: the freedom of our children.

The Bank of America Declaration gave America a simple strategy. As this small child understands, the system is not about one bank but an interconnected chain of private banks that are manipulating our property and enslaving our children. How do you break a chain? You break its weakest link. Once the weakest link is broken, the entire banking system collapses along with their power to enslave us.

The $2 billion loss by J.P. Morgan Chase could have been much less IF they could have unwound their derivatives. And that is the key to the solution. If the derivatives would have been unwound, that one thread could have brought the entire $1.4 quadrillion derivative market crashing down. Why is Jon Corzine not in jail? How was he able to transfer personal property of depositors to J.P. Morgan Chase without repercussions? If Jon Corzine would have been arrested instead of currently bundling money for the Obama reelection campaign, he could have exposed J.P. Morgan and the other TBTF banks that are responsible for our economic slavery.

How obvious is this treachery? It is so obvious, even a child can understand it. Actually a child from Canada, which is suffering the same fate as the United States with one exception: their school system has not succeeded in indoctrinating their children with propaganda. At least not yet.

But then that begs another question. If the means to our enslavement is so obvious, why are we not united in our efforts to take back our freedom? Why would any real patriot even question a method to break the chains of slavery? We have been presented a course of action to regain Liberty in the United States. The price will be high but John Adams warned us of the consequences of failure once Liberty is lost:

 A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.

Resolve is a trait which America is lacking. Greed and power are the tenets that we have accepted in order to absolve us of our duty to God. For freedom is a natural law that has been given to us by our Lord. Only He can take it away and only we can give it away. Time is a luxury that we now find to be in short supply. What will you do when our children have to ask us for their freedom? Did you ever think that this question would have to be put forth in America?

David DeGerolamo

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Peggy Ramthun
Peggy Ramthun
12 years ago

Most people I speak to are ready to vote for Romney, who said and I quoteI will have another bank bailout if necessary, ” I would sign the NDAA law (and the Patriot acts) and the list goes on..
They are all greedy, everyone who would vote for these two party picks. They want others to give them something for nothing, including freedom. But that my friend is earned.

Catherine Newsome
Catherine Newsome
12 years ago

Had this girl been American, I might have thought she had been homeschooled.