It might not be grab your rifle and vest….It might be helping your community so you survive.

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2 years ago

Excellent post. We should do this all the time but with wisdom and discernment. For what it is worth, we still have space for a few so keep us in mind. Our residents range in age from late 20’s to over 80 with a few children. We have several options available. If you look at what is going on in government and the world, it is only going to get worse, much worse. Community matters no matter where it is, no matter how one views “community”. So if someone is looking for an option, click on my name for a very “public” overview of the area and some of what we offer. The website is not totally up to date, working on it. We go into a lot more detail during a chat. Conservative, prepper, conservationists, animal friendly.

Thank you for these posts. .

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Supreme Court really annoys the commies. First they over turned a New York gun law. Now they threw out Roe v. Wade. Riots and violence to commence in 3, 2, 1….If you go to church, watch out. Better be armed. Watch out for suspicious packages.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

making those around you more resilient and capable only puts you all in a better position

it’s not weakness to help others, it’s a strength for you as well