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Supreme Court Rejects Appeal From Airman Removed from Command Over Refusing to Get Vaccinated – Amy Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh Side with Liberal Justices

The US Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from an Air Force Reserve who was removed from command after refusing to get the Covid vaccine.

Lt. Col. Jonathan Dunn was previously denied a religious exemption and removed from his post for refusing to get vaccinated.

Lt. Col. Dunn filed an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court, arguing he “acquired natural immunity to the disease” after getting Covid last summer, Fox News reported.

Conservative justices Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas said they would have sided with Lt. Col. Dunn.

However, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, both Trump appointees, sided with the left-wing justices.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

It appears that one gets to be a justice by the way of being owned by tptb. God speaks harshly towards the judges that take gifts and pervert justice. Sadly, this is more anecdotal evidence that Trump never was who many of us wanted to believe he was. He’s either easily misled, or he is acting on ‘their’ behalf, or he is “one of them”.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

After 5 years of witnessing a plethora of circumstantial evidence, it is clear to me now that Trump is one of them. He owes too many swamp creatures that helped him along the way like Wilbur Mills. Trump is going to be a spoiler in the 2024 presidential election (if there is one) the same way that Ross Perot was back in the early 90’s. Trump has lost a good percentage of his base (can you say Operation Warp Speed and January 6?). He is still doing his job keeping conservatives divided, holding his rally’s where he tells everyone how great he is and there are a ton of programmed and 1st level thinkers with no critical thinking skills that will still vote for him simply because he likes to stick his finger in the eyes of the liberal media.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55


2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I voted for Perot, and that Commie loving Traitor Clinton got in. Unfortunately Bush isn’t much different, except for his speeches.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

And everything Perot said would happen, did happen. We are now where blind republican voting has taken us. People could not bring themselves to vote for the truth. They needed that R by the name. The Bush family ran on The New World Order and still people blind R voted.

2 years ago

Just one more example that 2 of the 3 justices Trump picked for the highest court in the land are / were FAKE conservatives. The fix has been in for a long time.

Tom Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Yeah, I was wondering if people wanted Trump to pick a couple more Justices.

2 years ago

Trump was a mimick of Ronald Reagan, wrapping himself in the flag and talking about god, while paving the way for tyranny. Sadly, at least with the likes of Obama, you knew they were enemies of this country.
I wanted to like Trump too.

  • All Trump had to do to win the Presidential Debate was let Applesauce speak. Instead, he threw the match trying to talk over him and this rudeness was an open display of weakness. The equivalent was MItt Romney throwing the match against Obama by not crucifying him on Benghazi, which Obama et. al., had not only committed an Act of Treason (selling arms illegally to the same terrorists our soldiers were fighting against), but let all there involved perish, even removing from duty the commanders who would’ve otherwise acted and saved lives. Trump rides off into the sunset, “they cheated”, with no one suspecting the fix was in from the very beginning. We’re the patsy.
  • The number of arrests during his watch speaks for itself: None.
  • His allowing “do nothings” and/or “swamp creatures” to remain on staff, was at the least, very questionable judgement. It was all posturing and political theater.
  • His appointees to the US Supreme Court will pervert law just as much against the American people as much as their counterparts.
2 years ago

I knew we might be in trouble from the start when Trump did not pick Chris Kobach as head of DHS. Koback had a plan in place to take control of the border from day one. I was a rare voice warning people about Barrett before he picked her. She was supported by Club for Growth, pure neocon globalist open borders group. While what Trump runs on is spot on, he does not ‘walk the talk’ and proved that over and over again as President during his first two years when he was a Ryan boot licker. Still, what we have now as a faux president is almost beyond comprehension.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Today, 4/19/2022, Drudge Report noted that 3 sailors on the aircraft carrier George Washington, have died “suddenly” within one week. Hmmm. Mandatory vaxx?

2 years ago

Almighty God is the last Appeal for Justice, get right with him, and leave it in his hands. We still should take whatever steps are right for us to prepare for future events. May God give us the Strength, Wisdom, and Courage to Faithfully Serve Him.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

My belief is that Trump got into it without knowing the depth of the problem, he soon found out. Trump was the wake up call for a huge amount of those that maintained their lives completely asleep to the criminal enterprise we have let our feral gommers become. With the appointment to the SCOTUS of whats her face, we have now lost the top of the judicial branch, having onle Thomas (about to retire) and Gorsuch, still a bit iffy on the voting and upholding the Constitutionality of laws on the so called conservative side. The rest will vote for whoever makes the biggest noise. Unreliable to say the least.
Best wrap your heads around the fact that this country, since the criminal comrade poopypants weaseled his way into power, will NEVER be the same as your parents, grandparents grew up in, and as you were told to envision it.
Hell, the little country of Hungary is more closely aligned to the principles this country was founded under than current Merka is. Think of this; you would be hard pressed to find ANY aspect of your life that isn’t in some way monitored, controlled, or regulated by the ferals, states, counties, or city gommers.
The only was (and I’ve though about this a lot) we can return to the principles this country was founded upon with even similar freedoms will be to completmelydestroy the current herd of false leaders in charge. Every single one of them needs complete destruction. We already got a Good Constitution, all we need is possibly tweak it a wee bit to ensure we then elect “Responsible” people to elected office. Do we have the sand stand up integrity to do this?