It’s A New Day! It’s A New Opportunity!

Well it’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write anything on the situation we find ourselves in. The baseball and softball season has finally wrapped up with my children. My baseball team finished the season 4-7-1 not too shabby for having the youngest team in our division. My son also made the AllStar the team and I helped Coach that as well. We won two games at our AllStar tournament and lost three. It was the first time a Baseball game at AllStars had been won by our county in any age division in three years, and the first time a game had been won in 8u since 2018, so our league was excited about that and I was glad to be a part of it. Still have a lot of work to do to get baseball back to where it should be around here. Fighting all this travel ball is maddening. So much talent in our county and it’s all spread out.

Being immersed in the youth baseball life for the last few months has been kind of nice. Although I did keep up with things and continue to prep, it was nice to have an escape mentally, almost every day and think about nothing but my baseball and softball teams. I continually talked with people and got opinions and feedback on the state of our Country. People are not happy, but people also don’t know what to do. The vast majority still believe in voting. There is still food on the table, there is still a roof over heads, so life continues on as normal as possible.

America is in shambles, and yet everyone is living their lives as if nothing bad can ever happen here in this once great Country. Every day we are slapped in the face with corruption and lunacy. But the people refuse to believe it. All the evidence in the world is out there for the world to see and yet the criminals continue to walk free and run our Country in to the ground. Why? Because we have shown that we won’t stand up for our Liberty! I am a person that would fight and die for Liberty! We have made an error and have allowed compassion and tolerance to make us weak.

Our borders are open, and who knows what is actually coming thru. I imagine it’s our replacements. They’ll need people who will do as they are told, unlike us deplorables who are free thinking and want as little government as possible.

Our children are under attack on a daily basis. They are being mutilated, brainwashed and sacrificed because we are “afraid” to hurt feelings?

Our Country is deeply divided. We will not fix this by voting. These people hate us. They want us dead because we will not bow to them. We won’t live in their delusional world. It’s well past time to let them know that we will not go quietly into the night. Are we going to continue to watch TPTB revel in their success of stealing our country and do nothing? Or will we fight? We have lost our Country. Now what are we going to do about it? There is but one way to restore Liberty for the future generations!

We all know what has to be done. We just need to band together and have the courage to act. Our cause is Just and Liberty is more precious than life itself. It is time to rebel against these tyrants!


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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Friday Express Edition – Western Rifle Shooters Association When will we come together and fight? I ask myself this on a daily basis, we are already on the train to the gulag, denial is not a river in Egypt. You are not alone Wes, I see people commenting to prep and protect your loved ones, don’t speak about the fight that needs to happen, your giving away the plan, well when they come for you maybe you can hide in the chicken coup, who would think to look there, or maybe you could lay down in the garden and be real quiet. We are in disobedience to God almighty with our tolerance of this evil, period.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley


1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Operation Trust (Russian: операция “Трест”, tr. Operatsiya “Trest”)[1] was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation, which was set up by GPU’s predecessor Cheka, ran from 1921 to 1926, set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, “Monarchist Union of Central Russia”, MUCR (Монархическое объединение Центральной России, МОЦР), in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks.[2] The created front company was called the Moscow Municipal Credit Association.[3]

The head of the MUCR was Alexander Yakushev (Александр Александрович Якушев), a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Communications of Imperial Russia, who after the Russian Revolution joined the Narkomat of External Trade (Наркомат внешней торговли), when the Soviets began to allow the former specialists (called “spetsy”, Russian: спецы) to resume the positions of their expertise. This position allowed him to travel abroad and contact Russian emigrants. Yakushev was arrested for his contacts with the exiled White movement. In the same year of his arrest, he was recruited in the Soviet secret police by Artur Artuzov.

MUCR kept the monarchist general Alexander Kutepov (Александр Кутепов) from active actions, as he was convinced to wait for the development of internal anti-Bolshevik forces. Kutepov had previously believed in militant action as a solution to the Soviet occupation, and had formed the “combat organization”, a militant splinter from the Russian All-Military Union (Russian: Русский Обще-Воинский Союз, Russkiy ObshcheVoinskiy Soyuz) led by General Baron Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel.[4] Kutepov also created the Inner Line as a counter-intelligence organization to prevent Bolshevik penetrations. It caused the Cheka some problems but was not overly successful.

Among the successes of Trust was the luring of Boris Savinkov and Sidney Reilly into the Soviet Union, where they were captured.

The Soviets did not organize Trust from scratch. The White Army had left sleeper agents, and there were also Royalist Russians who did not leave after the Civil War. These people cooperated to the point of having a loose organizational structure. When the OGPU discovered them, they did not liquidate all of them, but manoeuvred into creating a shell organization for their own use.

So, the short version they USED Patriot sites to entrap troublemakers.

They used God references often enough to lure in believers.

Nothing is too scummy for Communists dedicated into destroying Americans who want their Republic back.

So, what’s your OPSEC while you’re bragging and complaining here again?

Wake me up Tom when you set aside your keyboard and get busy. Otherwise, all I hear is “You Guys got to DO SOMETHING or you’re just hiding in your gardens and chicken houses”.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

You seem to think everything is about you, did I say you got to do something, you do not know what I am up to or doing, any mention of we and you say I am bragging. You have a lot of derogatory things to say about a lot of commenters here on this site.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

More,more, more, good little sheeple.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

So surrender already.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

LOL, almost a clever response. Off topic as usual, deflection is your prowess.

*hit or get off the pot oh busy keyboard artist. You’ve bragged about your many open militias, and you beating up Corn pop even though your 72 years old. Your TOUGH, Trained, Backed up by open militias and a PATRIOT.

Seems YOUR an excellent person to kick off this party you’re always posting someone DO SOMETHING.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

BTW I’m not stupid enough to post on an OPEN CHANNEL any of my intentions.

I don’t need to encourage patsies to do something stupid.

I DO tell them to never say anything on an OPEN CHANNEL you don’t want repeated in a Fed Kangaroo Court. I notice you never tell people to think about OPSEC.

You call such thinking cowardice and surrender. Wonder why?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

I don’t let my fear guide my actions, as to beating up corn pop, he was harassing my wife, you would have probable soiled yourself and called him a bully or a ray epps, I thought you were going to find that comment? It was a little over 2 months ago you made that comment, I am sure you have some excuse as you always do boy.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Not smart enough to close it are you.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

You close it corn pop.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Lol I prefer scrambled eggs but thanks for your concern.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

You must be wetting your panties with all the up votes.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Here I’ll give a bitter old man an internet hug here’s your up arrow.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

You know Tom if you’d quit calling everybody that disagrees with you some version of coward (WANT ABOUT A DOZEN CUT AND PASTES HERE?) folks *might* even listen to you?

An angry old man throwing shit from his Depends doesn’t SHOW WISDOM Nor GAIN Respect.

OH! MY Now comes the MAMMA He’s picking on me BS from you. You throw wetting my panties so here’s your shitty diapers old man.

If your 72 years old and not wearing Depends Congrats. NOW ACT LIKE IT.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael


1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Classy as always, enjoy your day PATRIOT.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Tom and i used to go back and forth a lot.
Problem is neither one comes out looking real good. Both of you make some valid points.
Many people have a one track mind and cannot see there are many ways to fight. And many people are fighting. Many people are standing for their beliefs and in Truth. Some come off as, unless you are pulling the trigger right now you are worthless. This is what has turned me off of responding much. We each have our path, (Accept and get comfortable with this.)
Have a good day. Both of you. Suggest we all pray for ourselves and each other.

1 year ago

Proverbs 26:17
17Like one who grabs a dog by the ears is a passerby who meddles in a quarrel not his own.

But I appreciate your calming thought.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Your reply seems very contradictory.

1 year ago

Yep intentionally. Was politer than the one I deleted.

The first part of the reply seems apt. The deletion was because like Friedrich Nietzsche’s quote I seemed to be falling into the Monsters behavior, so I deleted and replaced with a kinder thought.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

Jesus used the parable of the sower and the seed, [Matthew 13: 1 -- 23], to reveals the 4 responses to God’s word from people. We can learn from this. The same 4 responses are given when attempting to wake people up to the tyranny we face.
The first response is a result of the person not understanding what was shared with them. One has to want to understand. Some don’t. The evil one steals the seed.
The second response reveals an initial excitement which may or not be genuine. They don’t hang around. This is because of “tribulation,” which is “thilipsis” in the Greek. In our vernacular it’s better understood as mental pressure. This pressure is from the individual recognizing that they now have a responsibility to share this with others. To whom much is given, much is required. Risking ridicule and loss of relationships, they stop moving ahead.
The third response reveals the cares of this world being a problem. People have bills to pay, worse yet they are in debt. They focus on this and have no time for this new information. For those with money, the life that riches bring is the problem. They devote their lives to keeping their lifestyle going. In both situations, the word that was shared gets choked, not the person. The person keeps right on living life.
Finally, thankfully, are those that fall on good soil and produce fruit. They hear it and understand it. They wanted to understand it. That’s the category we are in and want to stay in. The parable of the sower and the seed can show us what responses are available as we reach out to an asleep populace.

1 year ago

Just remember that our Forefathers “Pledged their LIVES, Family Wealth, and Sacred HONOR” when they signed that Declaration of Independence.

Many of them died penniless in British prisons, their families scattered seeking charity support from an already war ravaged country that had NO REAL MONEY (I.E. Gold or Silver).

You’re NOT going to be able to do the weekend “Hidden” rebel thing and go home to family and a job once you start down this path.

You’re an Outlaw with many hands and cellphone cameras -surveillance cameras and so on awaiting your efforts. Your own family and many you thought of as friends will turn you in because Propaganda made them think that your evil White Supremist-Terrorists” and so on.

Your OPSEC is no stronger than the weakest link. Listening to you folks talking its Open Militias and Guns to “Win the Day” not Logistics and Irish Democracy.

Talking about the Killhouse rules, Rule of threes (especially SAFE WATER) and such gives you fakebook down arrows as its not brave enough for the keyboard hero’s.

3+ days with dirty water or no water all your battle rattle is salvage for someone else. Are you dreaming that heroic Hospitals will treat your wounds and conceal you from the evildoers?

Yammering on open channels like this one is a wonderful way to become patsy’s and martyrs. The 3 “S”‘s has nothing about bragging on the internet.

The British had bounties on Rebels as Terrorists. Do you expect less of our Marxists?

Protect your families and trusted friends.

Let the fakebook down arrows begin.

1 year ago

I kind find any fault with this quote….
I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air – that progress made under the shadow of the policeman’s club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave. — H.L. Mencken

1 year ago
Reply to  Done

“I can’t find any fault with this quote”

1 year ago

“Being immersed in the youth baseball life for the last few months has been kind of nice. Although I did keep up with things and continue to prep, it was nice to have an escape mentally, almost every day and think about nothing but my baseball and softball teams”

Do not forget, you are giving your children a priceless gift by doing normal bonding and developmental parental things with them, in spite of all the very real calamity around you. That is love and strength, and you must not forget that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

Agree, never regretted taking care of my children and now my grandkids.

Most of modern “Kid Problems” is simply lack of a strong married family support system.

Well loved kids become strong kids and stronger adults with a work ethic. Why? As the Bible says train them up as a child and they will not stray from that path. Discipline and showing them honor and work ethic GIVES them the strength to say “NO” to their peers’ bad ideas and mean it.

Family First, it’s biblical.

1 year ago

Well said Wes!

1 year ago

“Are we going to continue to watch TPTB revel in their success of stealing our country and do nothing?”

They’ve already been revelling in their dominion over the people for several decades, knowing that the people don’t even understand dominion as their churches lead them to obeisance, as does education, and familial dynamics, as well as all power structures. The powers-that-be revel in their triumphs such as when the people don’t demand a living wage that keeps pace with the economy, with them being uneducated to the point of not even knowing what the power elite do or how they operate, and that the stratification of skills is allowed and furthered per economic and social class to ensure that technical prowess, artistry, intellectual aptitude, and athleticism, i.e., sports, olympics, military, etc., and the politicizing of entire industries such as Big Pharma and the medical and related fields, is hoarded and directionalized to benefit the government agencies, elites, the monied and so forth, providing minimalized and diminished capacity to the public, hence the stratification of skills in the educational, workplace, and other settings as to who gets perhaps select training and related positions in particular professions, and also when the masses unquestioningly submit to religious authorities based on party platform politics and legalist doctrines, with these and many other purviews their power is exponentially manifested as most institutions and individuals tend to increasingly want to do their bidding having been conditioned through many outlets. At some point this has to evolve beyond it primarily being a reaction in terms of ‘what the powers-that-be are doing to us’, by those who disagree with the status quo, and rather become about how those that want to breakaway from the confining and corralling constraints of an authoritarian hierarchy applicable to many of those dwelling in the U.S. (and those with vested interests elsewhere), can wield the influence and practical application to do so. Although the question posed above, is still an interesting one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Doesn’t sound good. Any confirm? Don’t know anything about reliability of hal turner.

Any more info out there folks?

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Been listening to hall for years heis pretty spot on. Makes mistakes like all of us but I do listen to him ,this is either soon real BS or it’s go time

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Sitting here by the fire reading all the interesting posts. Yesterday me and my fellow patriots did table top drills, and I went over wound packing using swimming pool noodles and simulated wounds. Get out there and train even if it is table top drills.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Perhaps, we should work on immersing our selves in His Word and example (His Son and His followers?) Not just one day, but each and every day. Now that is a ‘local’ we do have some control over.
Praise Yahuah!


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