'Normal Blood Pressure'…Big Pharma Keeps Moving The Goalpost.
— Valerie Anne Smith (@ValerieAnne1970) March 16, 2025
1940: Normal 100+Plus Your Age/95
1970: Normal 160/90
2000: Normal 140/90
2017 & Now: Normal Needs To Be Less Than 120/80
Anti-Hypertensive Drugs worldwide achieved a revenue of $36.7 BILLION in 2024.
Blood… pic.twitter.com/JADlxikdFI
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It really isn’t. I am an ER nurse and a paramedic. I have been for over 35 years. When I originally went to school back in the 80s, we were told that normal blood pressure was 100 plus your age over 90. Since that time, studies are showing that blood pressures that high result in strokes, heart problems, kidney damage, and damage to other organs like your eyes.
It’s just science evolving as new discoveries are made. That’s why I get so angry when people say the science is settled. That’s impossible. The very nature of science is that we are constantly discovering new things.
A lobotomy was cutting edge science of its time. Elites like the Kennedys “trusted the science” with the one daughter who suffered the consequences. Somehow today’s medical field is indoctrinated into believing that science now knows it all and there is no room to question it. Im not meaning you really btw. I’ve talked to people and a family member in the medical field during the “clot-shot” days and they were fruitless debates. All critical thinking was out the window and i was condescendingly told that I didn’t understand the science and needed to blindly trust those that did. I asked ” you got jab’d so you should be protected.” Why should anyone care if I am? Imo a huge red flag. Yet I wasn’t given a reasonable answer instead their rebuttal was “it’s hard to explain ” just trust the science. The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the protection that didn’t protect the protected. Its utter common sense lunacy that was completely disregarded in place of a cult like following of “trust the perfect science of the day”.
You ALWAYS get what you incentivize. And the normal ranges for cholesterol in Europe account for the natural and normal increases with age that result from the stresses of aging. Not in the US -- just numbers to drive drug sales.
Look at the Hypertension Medication Side Effects:
Just had a First class flight physical day before yesterday. I have to get one every six months and since the late 80’s when I started this, I have never been over 120/80. This past one was 118/72 and that is the highest it has ever been. I work out and walk a bit but not fanatical about it given my convoluted schedule.
Red meat and beer seems to work for me…..😄
Also, on no meds of any kind. Just some vitamin and mineral supplements.
My blood pressure is usually 110/65, I work out 3 to 4 times a week and also do not take any meds.
Same as with BMI. It’s all a scam to keep you in the medical pipeline and to extract money from you.