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- Ellen Fisher on Transitional shelter assistance extended for Helene victims in western NC, FEMA says
- DRenegade on Common Sense
He’s been a broken record for decades. Like a stopped clock, at some point, he’ll be right.
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” Ludwig Von Mises
He said this decades ago. Stopped clock or prophet?
Yes, already. We KNOW. But individually we can do nothing about it other than to move as much as we can into tangible assets.
Without looking at his website, could he be shilling for gold & silver?
Gold, silver, brass, lead & copper. + food, water, propane, lighters + tools to help all that brass, lead & copper accelerate.
In order to be able to buy tangible assets in any significant quantity, one has to be free of debt. How many Americans are up to their eyeballs in it? House, cars, CARDS at 25%-30% interest rates?
I will also throw out another idea, short term CDs which might get you some inflation relief and you aren’t typing up assets into something that is hard to make liquid, while limiting your exposure in terms of time.
Remember, though, if you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.
The red flag about the dollar crashing was the end of the Petro Dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia. It was in place for 50 years. About two months ago the Saudi’s terminated the agreement. And the US didn’t protest. They both know that the Saudi’s will have to sell their oil in some other currencies or not sell oil at all. The US dollar will have zero value real soon. And they know it. Say goodbye to your 401K, your pension, and your social security. Also, the BRICS nations are terminating the US dollar as the world reserve currency. It’s over. Ignore that at your own peril. Prepare.
Retain enough dollars in the banking system to pay your property taxes and utilities -- and interest on debt. For the rest -- consider almost anything tangible that can be used in a subsistence farming environment. Or don’t, it’s your choice.