‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move

By Stella Paul – American Thinker

Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID.  Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.  Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients.  Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us?

…Cheri Martin, who lost her husband Steven to the protocol, chimed in with thoughts on the agenda: “They’re going to use this decision as a way to clean house of renal patients and people on dialysis.  It’s saving a ton of money for Medicare over the next twenty years.”

…Michelle Conway said, “I took my husband to the E.R., and the next day, they told me he was going on Remdesivir.  I said absolutely not.  I wanted him on other treatments, but they refused all of it.  They isolated him and told him he had to have Remdesivir or he’d die, and he agreed.  I got to watch his last rites over a video conference.  I know he was murdered by Remdesivir.”

There’s much, much more here. Please read the entire article.

We are no longer living in a nation run by the consent of the governed. The United States has become a soft totalitarian state and the eventual genocide of 90% of our population is the goal of those in power. Food will be next. Why? Because starving people are unable to fight back.

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1 year ago

Dear Mr. Penezic:
I will not e-mail you again after these two e-mails.  
hope you can see that the 1,600 investigators at US Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (US HHS OIG)…, and the unresponsive, FOIA-based, OIG complaint system they are supposed to support -- are both a complete waste of taxpayers’ dollars.  
The US HHS mega-agency is guilty of collaborating with the US Dept of Defense in creating a contagious and growing global democide using a DARPA formulated injection classified as a bio-weapon in it’s contractual documents and patents.
The impartial and independent US HHS OIG should have been able to see this programmatic response to the global population reaching 8 billion in 11/2022 -- in it’s formative stages. The US HHS OIG should have prevented this program from being executed and put the perpetrators in jail. Instead, the US HHS OIG has done nothing to stop this massive global de-population effort from being created and executed.  Could there be a bigger failure to perform? I doubt it.
The condemnation that the US HHS OIG deserves is epic… but it is not just the US HHS OIG. The entire federal OIG system is responsible. The entire US Office of Inspectors General system now exists in name only and should be disbanded as an example of waste, fraud, and abuse.
(All of the Western NC legislators were on copy on this e-mail and 10+ media outlets)

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

They want us dead, they no longer are hiding it just that simple.

1 year ago

”I got to watch his last rites over a video conference.”
“And they pull your loved ones away from you.”
I am not as passive or compliant as most of the population. Oftentimes when I speak about I would handle things, people get upset. If that were my wife, I can tell you what my response would be. Think of the police station scene in The Terminator, only it would be me, not Arnold and it would be happening in a hospital.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Feel exactly the same It sickens me when I hear these stories of people kept away from family Take your family home have some dignity

1 year ago

Hospitals are now just bureaucracies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leroy

I’d say a cash cow with no accountability

1 year ago
Reply to  Leroy

Hospitals are places of rituals in the making, as they have been for several decades. The reported top two professions for satanists (witches, etc.), are priests/pastors/ministers/preachers and nurses.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leroy

remember the death panels?

1 year ago

Hey did you know Veklury is the be name for Remdesivir to test Covid?
DA Approved: Yes (First approved October 22, 2020)
Brand name: Veklury
Generic name: remdesivir
Dosage form: Injection
Company: Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Treatment for: COVID-19

Veklury (remdesivir) is a SARS-CoV-2 nucleotide analog RNA polymerase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of COVID-19.

Veklury is indicated for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adults and pediatric patients (28 days of age and older and weighing at least 3 kg) with positive results of direct SARS-CoV-2 viral testing, who are:
-- hospitalized, or
-- not hospitalized and have mild-to-moderate COVID-19, and are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death.
Veklury contains remdesivir, a nucleotide analog antiviral which works to inhibit viral replication by targeting SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA polymerase.
Veklury is administered by intravenous infusion over 30 to 120 minutes.
Warnings and precautions associated with Veklury include hypersensitivity including infusion-related and anaphylactic reactions; increased risk of transaminase elevations; and risk of reduced antiviral activity when coadministered with chloroquine phosphate or hydroxychloroquine sulfate.
Common adverse reactions include nausea and increased liver enzymes (ALT and AST).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

🎬🛑 Correction
Not test for Covid. My error when posting
Used to treat Covid
Watch out!!!! Stay away from all these strange drugs!

1 year ago

my wife was hospitalized for covid over two years ago and before we knew anything about remdesivir the doctor at the hospital was pushing that dreadful drug. I warned the doctor not to ventilate my wife under any circumstance because i had this nagging feeling in my spirit that something was not right at the hospital, so I decided to sleep and watch what the nurses and doctors were doing. the next day my wife was out of bed not due to the poison drug given to her, it was by Gods protection and mercy my wife walked out of the hospital after three days and all her vitals were good as well as her blood counts. knowing what i know now about this Fauci poison I would never recommend anyone getting this drug. once you’re in the clutches of the hospital they can do anything to you unless you have an advocate like I was. I would have slapped the Crap out of them If i saw them doing something that was not good. be Alert if you ever have to cross the threshold of the murdering centers and don’t let them give you Bull crap, you do have patient rights.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Yes, I was. Just one more thing i failed to mention, the nurses and doctors write everything down you say and read. After my wife was released from the hospital, I wanted to get all of the records of what care was done to her, lo and behold, in there reports they made mention of my wife reding the holy scriptures, this I found quote odd. I believe the hospital staff was instructed by that P.O.S Communist nazi Fauci and all of the other demon entities at the CDC and NIH to report to them anyone who was a Christian, this is wicked beyond belief.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

It’s astounding what one can find out simply by requesting their records after each medical visit (which seems to be increasingly important for instance, such as if a correction needs to be made). I’ve experienced false charting stating that the provider and myself discussed religion, weight and dietary considerations, and that I identified with a particular denomination, and all sorts of blatantly inaccurate things, only to be told that the software that they’re using added it automatically and prohibits them from being able to make corrections (a HIPAA consideration), and that it will be a permanent part of my record, but they’ll make a note showing the corrections. They must have mistaken me with having the same disposition as most of the other patients who noticed these discrepancies, bringing it to their attention; compliant, docile, unconcerned, and yielding unquestioningly to their ‘authority’. I filed a letter of grievance to the according corporate personnel explaining that this was unsatisfactory and did not meet the criteria for protected health information, and got all corrections made with the incorrectly attributed information removed. It was a lengthy process; many meetings, and they had to contact the provider with each itemized issue/concern for a reply. This same clinic was pushing the Shingles vaccine and HPV shot as I recall. I did not return to that provider.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

they have become murdering thug gangsters, thinking they can do whatever they want to you without any recourse. my family came Sicily and if anything would have had happened to my wife, I would have turned this matter over to the lacamora at the appropriate time.

1 year ago

The more We the People talk about issues and problems (big catagory I know) the more I get the impression there is only one way out of all of this.
We have to have God/Jesus revival at every state, city, town and we have to have it in short order.
I hear people talking more and more about God but obviously we are missing the mark as His children. We are acting like a motley crew not heirs of something that most of the elite are going to miss.
I encourage readers here to think and ponder on this. Committees and lawsuits don’t work. The Uniparty survives- but only as long as the Children of God allow it.
Revival is the only thing that saves this nation. I’d love to walk around the capitol and White House 7 times, blow a shofar and watch the whole shebang come tumbling down.