Its ok to prepare and put back food…Warning all around us to prepare for hard times.

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2 years ago

Another good post with something to think about. To those people who are trusting in whatever deity they ascribe to, does that mean they don’t have a job? Having a job is the same as prepping isn’t in? You go to work, either off site or on site, to provide for yourself and your family. Same with prepping. I am pretty sure no religion calls people to be lumps with hands out and mouths open. I like the Buddhist saying “Before enlightenment, carry water, chop wood. After enlightenment, carry water, chop wood.”

On another note. I gave up a few things to spend a portion of money every month on stocking up. I just went to the grocery store for my 3-4 month shopping trip. My bill was smile worthy because I had so much stocked up and needed to replenish so little. So anyone who has peppered is probably not feeling as much pain at the grocery store right now.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

Store some DOG FOOD.