Anybody but Obama? Really? How about an anology between the policeman selectively enforcing the law as the government selectively enforcing the Constitution? No wonder Romney supported the NDAA.
David DeGerolamo
Anybody but Obama? Really? How about an anology between the policeman selectively enforcing the law as the government selectively enforcing the Constitution? No wonder Romney supported the NDAA.
David DeGerolamo
wow…where do I begin? Let’s start with the policeman -- how do we know he was “selectively enforcing the law”? Is there a write-up that goes with this video, because the video doesn’t tell us ANYTHING about that -- nothing about whose property those signs were on, (although the hispanic man said that he keeps that area cleared of trash…debris) nothing about what they policeman said or did, if any laws were actually even violated, or by whom. This looks like the same thing we see every election year -- over-zealous supporters taking down the signs of an opponent. I used the words “looks like” because that is what it “looks like”. But to leap to the conclusion that this is something that was ordered by Romney and is the same thing as supporting the NDAA seems borderline hysterical and diminishes what should be the real discussion about the NDAA. Don’t you think?
The signs were on the property of Eagle Manufacturing Corporation in Shelby Township, MI.
In Michigan, Santorum supporters planted hundreds of campaign signs in Shelby Township prior to Mitt Romney’s appearance today. Some of these signs were planted alongside sidewalks and roadways across from and surrounding the Romney campaign stop. Approximately two hours before the scheduled event, Romney campaign staffers, including Dennis Lennox of Topinabee, MI, began planting Romney signs in front of the location. Around the same time, several other people, who refused to identify themselves, began uprooting hundreds of Santorum signs along the roadway leading to the event. Signs placed at a commercial intersection were also removed.
When asked to explain his actions, Santorum supporters were confronted with obscenities from one person removing signs. He claimed to be unaffiliated with the Romney campaign.
One officer on the scene, Lou Francis, refused to assist in retrieving stolen campaign signs valued at over $1500.
Campaign signs are considered privately owned property in Michigan which can be “stolen”:
I agree with two of your observations:
1. This is common during elections
2. “Correlation” is not the correct word to convey my thoughts in this article: I have replaced it with “analogy”.
A $1500 theft of private property by a Romney staffer while a police officer watches. Did Romney authorize this action? No. Is the rule of law arbitrarily being enforced? Yes. Could I have made a similar analogy about Justice Ginsburg’s lack of respect of the Constitution? Yes. Treading on the rule of law is the fabric of a Republic’s basis. The scope and magnitude of the the boot tread does not make a different when setting precedent.