It’s Only a Few Signs (of the Times)

Anybody but Obama? Really? How about an anology between the policeman selectively enforcing the law as the government selectively enforcing the Constitution? No wonder Romney supported the NDAA.

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

wow…where do I begin? Let’s start with the policeman -- how do we know he was “selectively enforcing the law”? Is there a write-up that goes with this video, because the video doesn’t tell us ANYTHING about that -- nothing about whose property those signs were on, (although the hispanic man said that he keeps that area cleared of trash…debris) nothing about what they policeman said or did, if any laws were actually even violated, or by whom. This looks like the same thing we see every election year -- over-zealous supporters taking down the signs of an opponent. I used the words “looks like” because that is what it “looks like”. But to leap to the conclusion that this is something that was ordered by Romney and is the same thing as supporting the NDAA seems borderline hysterical and diminishes what should be the real discussion about the NDAA. Don’t you think?