It’s Over!!!

I’d like to thank one of our commenters here for letting me know that it’s over and that everything we do here at NCRenegade is all for naught. What a relief. I can just sit back and wait for death now and not worry about fighting all this evil we are faced with. It seems our odds are insurmountable and I wasn’t made aware of it until now. What I have done in my life trying to bring Liberty to the future generations apparently has been meaningless. I guess I need to just quit writing and posting articles because I’m trying to stir things up and obviously there is nobody to stir up.

Come on now!

I’ve never wished to be a martyr. I have no desire to survive and live as a slave either. As far as I am concerned, we have not lost until every drop of blood from those who love and cherish Liberty has been bled out. It seems our commenter here has made the choice of Slavery. That is the choice of fools and cowards. You do you, Mr. Thompson. There are others that will fight to free you from your slavery.

Bad things are coming. They seem to be approaching fast. I don’t care to survive the coming festivities if it means I live as a slave. We all have choices to make. I believe Good will always defeat Evil in the end. I think we should fight for all that is good, regardless of the consequences.

It’s Over? Maybe for you. But I refuse to believe that. I choose to fight.


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Jackie B.
Jackie B.
2 years ago


Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago

Tally HO!

2 years ago

Wes -- -- Agree that we do have choices. Those that see none are defeatists with little vision. More and more folks I meet are openly disgusted with Xao BuyDem’s incompetence and the media’s heavy-handedness in dividing us.
Please do not become jaded like the sentiment stated in the posted comment.
Just because pushback has not jelled does not mean it is erased, nor that it will not soon begin to jell.
The escalating economic crash will bring more and more support for undoing the stolen election and will push the DemonicRats into taking even further wacked out actions than we have seen.
The snowball of discontent will continue to grow…..

2 years ago

Carry on. We and our children and our grandchildren are worth it

2 years ago

It ain’t over by a long shot, but it will soon be over and the Creator/Source of all that is will manifest that He/She is in control and bring to an end the tyranny that has run rampant on this planet too long violating all Universal laws of balance and mankind’s expression of free will given to us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Claude

God isn’t coming to save us. God doesn’t save those that won’t save themselves.

2 years ago

It’s never over. There are more waking up all the time, but I agree for the most part they are still sheeple too scared to speak up and we won’t know which way they will turn till they are pushed in a corner. This “thing” is still on a fence and could topple in either direction. Hold the line. Fight the fight. What’s left of our freedom is worth it.

2 years ago

I’m with you Wes! I’m old and in poor health, but I’ll die to defend yours and my freedom! I was in the military 30+ years ago. I didn’t serve to give up!

Bad Dancer
Bad Dancer
2 years ago

To the author, darned right its not over and regarding that comment I want to offer a heartfelt and sincere thanks for the time you spend here and effort you put in.
Many are afraid to stand alone because finding trustworthy people is hard but it should not be compromised for the sake of expediency as many do.
Your site and others like it have been an excellent resource to encourage and embolden people in my life.
What you’re doing matters.

2 years ago

It’s NOT over as long as there is an ounce of fight left in us

2 years ago
Reply to  Marge

I’ve seen no fight in us.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

All throughout the recorded history in the Bible his people came under judgement when they turned away from God. Nothing new under the sun, the same today. The only law I look to is God’s law, man has and will corrupt everything when he turns from God. All throughout the Bible the men of courage were men of God, the same today, Wes. There is only one choice and that is to pick up our weapons and take back our freedom and liberty. It is our duty before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, we know who this gobohomo world cabal worships. I stand with you and anybody else that will fight to restore our freedom and liberty.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago

The USA is over. Its far from over for us. Keep pushing Wes!

Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago

Part of conquering a people or winning a war is to demoralize your enemy.
If they don’t even have the will to much easier to destroy them.
I think a lot of the problem with people who frequent these blogs…you are overwhelmed with everything that is wrong. Well, it didn’t get that way overnite and it won’t be fixed overnite. Everything is complex and is falling apart because it is TOO complex to operate correctly.
This needs to be considered to our advantage.
Also, never discount Divine Providence. and seek Help.

Hal P
Hal P
2 years ago

I will and many I know will Never give up untill we are All laying on a warm pile of brass and the blood stops flowing from our bodies.

Screw All you snilvling whimps…

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal P

RESPECT , WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal P

Wow, an internet tough guy ready to fight to the death if the government becomes tyrannical. Guess what, the gov became tyrannical a long time ago yet here you are, flexing on the internet.

“It’s better to die on one’s feet that live on one’s knees” is a great slogan, but history’s ratio of martyrs to slaves shows that very few are willing to put it into practice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

So what branch of alphabet pukes do you work for?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kulafarmer

Such narcissism to think the government cares enough about you to send infiltrators. None of you are threats to it.

2 years ago

sign me up for the fight brother

2 years ago
Reply to  andy

Ive had a good life, might as well go out with a bang eh

2 years ago

That has some stank on it….
Just sayin

Cal 7.62
Cal 7.62
2 years ago

“… and I’m still breathin, so it ain’t over!” -- Red Dawn

2 years ago

one percent all tiger….. worth more than a 99 percent pussy cats

2 years ago

Evidently the commenter has no knowledge of human history or maybe just chooses to ignore it completely.
There are so many examples of the few overcoming the many that it’s ridiculous to make a comment such as his. Some good, some bad but the point is that it’s never “over” until all are dead on one side or the other.
In our own times, many instances come to mind. Britain in WWII is the most stark reminder to never quit. There are many others easily found throughout history.
Now, certainly one can argue many other issues in the above list and many others BUT the point is it was not “over” for any of the ones listed and many others not listed.
Suffice to say:
“Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say ‘what should be the reward of such sacrifices?’ Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth?
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom — go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams
As for me and mine, we will serve the Lord.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago
Reply to  lordchamp

AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Its not over…Hell “Fun-Time” hasn’t even started! The masses are just about to wake up with DieselGeddon starting in 2-3 weeks…then we can talk Fun Time! This country hasn’t turned Lebanon, Venezuela or Mogadishu yet! It wont be long until Wes shouts…Its SHOW TIME Lets Rock-n-roll!

2 years ago

In the words of another true patriot of the USA
Give me liberty or give me death !!
My enlistment may have ended but there is no expiration on the oath I pledged my allegiance to the USA and to defend it from all enemies.

2 years ago

If there are men who want to fight injustice, there is plenty of injustice around to fight. Go fight it. There are a whole bunch of folks sitting in jail for taking a stroll through the Peoples capital. Kit up and go get-em. It’s easy to call someone a coward on the internet because they talk of prudence and discipline. Many folks I know Think LaVoy Finicum was a fool. He was taking the action you have been clamoring for. He was murdered in cold blood. Why didn’t you rise up then? Calling folks cowards doesn’t motivate them to follow you it makes them walk away from you. I like much of the information put out here. Please quit crapping on this site by calling people cowards. Things are going to get sporty soon enough and folks will do what they do about it. We need all the time we can get to prepare. Use it wisely. Motivate don’t denigrate.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The ones crapping on people are those ashamed of their cowardice and belittle those who call them out, prudence and discipline? Time to prepare, what another 20yrs? Time is up, damn the consequences, it is time to act.

Dave Kane
Dave Kane
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Kit up and go! Nothing stopping you. Do you need someone to hold your hand?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Kane

I do not need a soy boy to hold my hand, go find another boy, BOY. Got your panties all knotted up.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago

Enemies Foreign and Domestic have declared open war upon us whether we risk it or not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
2 of 5
2 of 5
2 years ago

The fat lady has not yet sung. I don’t feel it is over by a long shot.

2 years ago

Yes, people are sheeple and complacent and at this point unwilling to do much of anything! Times are changing, the economy is going down, down and war on
CONUS is likely, the sheeple will have to wake up or die. Those able to wake up will look for direction, you can give it to them!

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago


enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Apparently he has never heard of Winston Churchill saying “never ever give up”. Douglas McArthur saying “I will return”, Or It ain’t over till the fat lady sings, and with the preponderance of ponderousness throughout the country anymore, there are numerous examples of “fat ladies” but none of them are singers I’m aware of.
Far as I know, those Pilgrim folks first came here because they got tired of being told you must have “our permission”, and told their overlords to stuff it and sailed off to horizons unknown with a very unsure fate. Effectively saying “NO” now stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.
We got a small group of elitist narcissistic buffoons believing they can run the world as they like and live like kings of old while the rest of us need ask permission to take a dump and speak only if they approve of it. And they intend to fully implement every single form of trickery to achieve it.
News flash, It ain’t over til I say it’s over And it AIN’T OVER, never happen never gonna give in, I will most assuredly die, but I WILL die FREE, and I’ll take a shit ton load of the bastards with me. It will never be over for the fine folks here until each of you decide for yourselves that it’s over for you and you alone. And that boys and girls, is as bankable as GOLD, not this perceived digital BS.Can I hear it from the choir; NOOOOOOOO -- now stuff it.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Said with enthusiasm resulting from divine inspiration, thank you.

2 years ago

First time commenting here, but have been a reader for well over a year. I started “awakening” at first sometime during Obama’s term and have been jolted wide awake since the beginning of the scamdemic. My wife and I are the only ones in both our families that have not been jabbed or worship at the mainstream medias tit.

Please keep doing what you are doing. There are many of us out here who have been mostly silent, but feel the way you do. It’s been years, but I am still a Marine at heart and have not forgotten much of my training. When the time comes, there will be men like me who have been silent at your back, covering your six. Men like me who have been silent, just wanting to be left alone to live our lives. Men like me who are boiling angry under their calm surface, ready to unleash payback for all that has been corrupted.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunluver

Welcome brother, the time is at hand.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Thank you Tom

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

Those men who exist without faith cannot understand who us men of faith are . I pity them .
2Co 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

2 years ago

” To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead.” ~Miyamoto Musashi ~ ” The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein ~

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  4hawks

All my life I have used restraint when violence came my way, now it is time to unleash ourselves and kill every last one of them. Who are they? We know who they are, they are in every federal, state and local office nationwide. The houses of congress have all signed illegal, unconstitutional legislation. They are all complicit in their crimes of treason against we the people.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, media, don’t forget them.


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Never in the top ten.

Gail Jansen
Gail Jansen
2 years ago

Kudos! Bravo! Way to go, Wes.

2 years ago

There is little or no hope that the armed revolt many of you fantasize about would be successful.

The best bet is to gain political power at the local and state level in order to fend off federal overreach, and then outlast the feds. Several states with an organized and trained military (which is legal) could ignore federal mandates and laws, especially with local non-government forces to help out.

One of the several requirements for a revolt to work is the support of a large majority of the populace; all politics requires is 50% + 1. If your group can’t muster 50% +1 support for a semi-peaceful platform you aren’t going to get ~70% support for a program that will disrupt peoples’ lives and likely lead to government punishment for the region.

Unfortunately aged boomers can’t fantasize about political solutions like they can violence, and politics doesn’t give boomers an excuse to spend lots of money on weapons and ammo as a fetish. A fetish that lets them feel like they are doing something merely by spending money, when all they are doing is enriching firearms companies that are most likely owned by the Woke.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

You will never win a political solution to our problem, if we could muster a minimum of 20 armed and ready men in every city, in every county across the nation we would not need 50% or even 20% support. Their are over a 108,000 citys in this country. Do the math, that would amount to over a 2 million man army. Even if we could only get half that amount it would be enough. Where their is a will there is away, I have the will and I know the way! So us boomers, yea I am a boomer sad to say are on fantasy Island? No amount of talk will convince me otherwise that violence will not work, it has always worked. I do not give much store to what the almighty government will bring. Time is up on caring what consequences will come at this point, they want us dead and gone, that is our consequences if we do not act.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

“if we could muster”

You can’t and you won’t. Even the political effort of organizing 20 people is too much for you boomers, you have to fall back on wanking yourselves off thinking about going solo against the government with your 20 variations of the AR locked in a safe.

Even if you did, 20 people in a city would easily be defeated. You people haven’t bothered to put in the slightest bit of thought or research into this. Your only effort is fantasizing about being an individualistic hero.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

I have no fantasies about being a hero or martyr, your efforts would we be better utilized where you belong on the big tech platforms. You and your comrades will fall by the thousands once this starts. As far as 20 per city all across the nation, it is doable! Your expertise is laughable to everyone but yourself Zoro.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

“<snark>” Keep voting at them … that’ll teach ’em “</snark>”

2 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Start our own party. And more than voting would be required.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

The only reason turds like you who grumble about boomers walk the earth is because of a pair of boomers

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Kulafarmer

Yea he seems to come around every so often talking the same BS.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kulafarmer

Neither of my parents were boomers.
The only reason things are as bad as they are is because boomers ignored all the obvious signs for many decades because they were afraid of being called a racist, and were afraid it might negatively effect their 401k.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Z…what discipline is your history degree in?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

My senior seminar was on the First Crusade.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Yes, actually the Rev did have broad support in most areas. They had an elected Congress even. If you idiots ever bothered to do your research you’d know that the armed rebellion part of the Rev was the culmination of many years of political effort.

2 years ago

Oxygen thief…I’ve got nothing.


Janice P
Janice P
2 years ago

It’s. Not. Over. I’d rather the fight came to us, but if not, I know for certain “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees”. Sometimes we truly do surprise ourselves. I am humbled by, and proud of, the other commenters. Glad to know all you all.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Janice P

Thank you, glad your here.

2 years ago

When there is no hope, then life is over!!! Yes things are really bad, but there is also MUCH to live for and PROTECT!!

2 years ago



tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

We need only fear God, not man especially the demons running this illegal regime.

2 years ago

Yea, well it might be over for you Mark, but i will NEVER accept the crap they are trying to shove down our gullets,
Who is John Galt!

David Stephens
David Stephens
2 years ago

Wes, I corrected you once, but you posted more fraud since. This guy saying it’s over is wrong and clueless, but you’re no leader either.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  David Stephens

Hey folks the truth ministry is here.

2 years ago

Red Team is sitting on their azz watching America perish in the hopes in gaining power in 185 days . The amount of anger coming is far greater than Red Team and Blue Team could imagine.

2 years ago

Well he’s right and I couldn’t have said it better. You all are like frogs in a boiling pot. Too late.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago

Since I’m no young guy anymore, I might bleed a bit…hell, might even die. (Feigns look of horror) No biggy. At least I know I’m doin’ the right thing.
No one can take that from you. Not assholes like Zorost or Dave Kane. Idiots like them never did the right thing their entire lives. All that’s left of them is their negativity.
Country folks will survive. Might even thrive! I wish the best to you all that are in this for the long haul.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

I appreciate your hard work/blog and I actually draw strength here.

Connie G
Connie G
2 years ago

I’m sick and tired of doom-gloomers! I’m sick and tired of trying to wake more people up. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop. As a Warrior for Christ, I carry my “slingshot till death”. I know where I’m going…and if I go in a pool of blood…I stood before I fell in that blood! #HoldTheLine

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Jude 1:16
God’s Judgment on the Ungodly
15to execute judgment on everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of every ungodly act of wickedness and every harsh word spoken against Him by ungodly sinners.” 16These men are discontented grumblers, following after their own lusts; their mouths spew arrogance; they flatter others for their own advantage. 17But you, beloved, remember what was foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ…
Your Word is a Lamp to My Feet
90Your faithfulness continues through all generations; You established the earth, and it endures. 91Your ordinances stand to this day, for all things are servants to You. 92If Your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction.…
Can we, Do we, fight knowing that the world we have known is changing and we are not in control ? “we” and “they” have never been in control!

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Back to that drivel? What would you be doing if it were not for this technology that allows you to run others down and make false allegations?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

i do not believe Mark Thompson is saying, Give up! i do not believe he is saying just go along. i do not see him as saying lay down and die. i do not see him as saying not to Fight.
Is he?
Some of you are fighting for the world, the worldliness, what was, or what you imagined it to be.


[…] used to imprison people for political reasons as the J6 detainees well know. I have to admit that Mark Thompson made some points that should be addressed instead of being […]

2 years ago

I am not sure if I understand. Is NCRenegade over? The USA over? Your posts over? As for me, like many real Americans “I would rather die on my feet and live on my knees.”