It’s All the Tea Party’s Fault

The article below states that the Tea Party may be responsible for the loss of a Senate seat for the Republican party. The headline should read that the people are rejecting GOP mandates and want true representation. Is it possible that people are recognizing that there is no political solution for our nation’s problems? Is it possible that people are recognizing that politicians in both parties are causing the problems?

As the GOP in North Carolina is finding out, ramming Thom Tillis down our throats over Greg Brannon was not such a good idea. As a former party leader told me last week: “I will hold my nose and vote for Tillis”. I got tired of holding my nose a long time ago.

David DeGerolamo

Tea Party revolt imperils Kansas

Kansas Tea Party supporters are threatening to sit out the state’s pivotal Senate election, potentially dealing another blow to the reelection hopes of Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

Though schisms within the GOP base rarely have such an outsized impact on a general election contest, the lack of support from the conservative base could be devastating to the vulnerable Roberts’s chances against surging independent Greg Orman.

Multiple sources tell The Hill that a group of Tea Party leaders in the state are meeting Wednesday to try to decide whether they should go to bat for the incumbent this fall or sit out of the race entirely.



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Charlie Secondat
Charlie Secondat
10 years ago

If they won the Senate they would actually have to do something and King Barry would not be able to continue ruling by Fiat. The GOP is purposely throwing this election and will throw the next one to Hillary to make their masters happy. We are passing that awkward time.

10 years ago

Oh, the GOP have a plan should they take the Senate…’s called amnesty!