It’s Time for Tar and Feathers

At what point do we roll over and give up our country? The decision below by the New Hampshire Board of Elections proves that the Constitution and the rule of law has been usurped:

[Orly] Taitz said state officials concluded that the application for Obama to be on the ballot was correctly submitted and the fee was paid. That was the end of their concern.

“I cross-examined, I said if I were to tell a lie and give you an application saying fraudulently I was born here and eligible and give you a thousand-dollar check, would you allow me on the presidential ballot?”

“If there is not a challenge,” she said she was told.

When I attended the TEA Party Convention in Nashville, Tom Fitton (President of spoke on this issue. He told the convention to focus any future efforts on the 2012 presidential elections. He felt that holding the state board of elections to their legal responsibilities was the effective course of action. People at the convention were torn and the main argument against pursuing the president’s eligibility was the fear of a civil war.

So the theory was that the threat of exposing the president’s ineligibility would be enough to preclude a second run for office. As we now see, this logic was flawed. We now have to ask what we will do if any of the remaining 49 states stand up for the Constitution. It will only take one state to stand up for the rule of law which will quickly become a Constitutional crisis.

This is the greatest fear of the Republican party inside the beltway. One US Representative has privately stated that the reason the GOP is not challenging the administration on any front is the fear of the consequences if they make one misstep and Obama is reelected. Their conclusion is that his reelection will be the end of the country and they are pinning all of their hopes on a Republican victory in 2012. There is a term for this course of action: cowardice.

David DeGerolamo

New Hampshire board decides Obama eligibility

A state board in New Hampshire has decided that Barack Obama’s name is good to go on the state’s 2012 presidential ballot because the application was filled out properly and the $1,000 fee was paid, according to an attorney who challenged his candidacy because of suspicions of fraud.

The determination came today from the state’s Ballot Law Commission, which heard arguments from attorney Orly Taitz, who had filed a complaint about Obama’s candidacy that was joined by several state lawmakers.

A spokesman at the commission’s office today told WND that the members had “broken up” their meeting and left immediately, leaving no information about any decisions they made.

But Taitz told WND in a telephone interview that she was unable to get the board to remove Obama from the ballot, despite the evidence she submitted of alleged fraud regarding his birth certificate. The evidence, she charged, indicates he does not meet the Constitution’s requirement that the president be a “natural born citizen.”

She also presented allegations and evidence concerning Obama’s use of a SocialSecurity number from Connecticut, even though he has no links to the state while growing up. The use of such a number has been cited by critics as evidence of fraudulent activities.

Taitz said state officials concluded that the application for Obama to be on the ballot was correctly submitted and the fee was paid. That was the end of their concerns, she said.

“I cross-examined,” Taitz told WND. “I said if I were to tell a lie and give you an application saying fraudulently I was born here and eligible and give you a thousand-dollar check, would you allow me on the presidential ballot?”

“If there is not a challenge,” she said she was told.

She said she now will consider her options to appeal the board’s decision.

“The people [attending the meeting] there were angry at how we have such corruption in government,” Taitz told WND.

Her allegations of fraud are connected to Obama’s Social Security number, which several experts and investigators have said needs to be explained.


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