It’s Time to Consolidate Your Trust and Operations

I have to admit that I have a high level of anxiety concerning the immediate future. While the past 15 years have been a series of continual teachable moments, the events now unfolding around the world and in our nation are peaking.

No one but our Father knows the day or the hour: we can only gather and qualify information to analyze and formulate intelligence upon which we can plan our actions. Sometimes intelligence tells us to wait and sometimes it is telling us to see the blinking red lights everywhere:

I have no need to warn people concerning the government’s tactics to divide and conquer us. Race, religion, sexual gender, politics and cancel culture are everywhere. While we are seeing propaganda being exposed (mainly by Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk), we also have to be wary of people who seemingly represent our side but are actually working against us.

An example of this misinformation is Aesop’s blog including his latest:

Any Day Now™ – Day 657

If you still want to keep huffing hopeium, and/or kissing Vlad’s ass, go ahead on; we don’t care. If you’re convinced the intel from any twenty Russian shill blog sites are giving the straight poop, shovel it down with both hands with our enthusiastic blessing.

Your delusions are your own problem, not ours.


I don’t normally follow Aesop but once again, it was pointed out to me in a message that another patriot site is still promoting his links. I was asked why and I have no answer. In these times where the forces of evil are arrayed against good people, we have to start consolidating our trust. Reread that last sentence again.

I have stated in the past that we should only prepare and be concerned about events or issues that we can personally impact. I hope that no one believes that they will have any impact concerning the war in Ukraine or the Gaza Strip. I can list another ten wars/issues that are thrown at us everyday that we cannot change. We must concentrate on the war our government is leading against us and recognize those who are distracting us from this effort.

Focus on what you will be facing in your own areas of operation. Prepare to make a difference when war comes to your doorstep. As for people who state you are kissing Putin’s behind for knowing the truth, ask yourself what is their true goal?

You only have a limited amount of time for preparations, training, generating intelligence and organizing your area. Use your time wisely.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Aesop has done some good pieces in past… seemingly distant past, these days… but I still remember them. I suppose others do also, and may give deference to that.

His talents lie mostly in sarcasm, abuse, and ridicule. Not my taste, as it does not pursue truth well, being largely ad hominem. Still, I suspect it has a proper place in war.

Aesop has done some good pieces in past… seemingly distant past, these days… but I still remember them. I suppose others do also, and may give deference to that. Lately though, someone else of greater interest to me must draw my attention to him before I will revisit…. likely the same post that eventually drew your attention, I suspect.

Skyler the Weird
Skyler the Weird
1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

He still like many others think Russia is still the Soviet Union. Putin is a strongman but I doubt he wants to have his Cossacks water their horses in the Seine. He doesn’t want American bases on his doorstep.
I don’t know who to believe but now that our attention is taken up by Gaza and soon by the Guyana invasion (and maybe the Falklands) Ukraine will receive less aid and will likely have to negotiate a settlement.

1 year ago

Might also be useful to note that the same source of “two from Aesop” is also the source of “two from MacGregor” Hard to get more diametrically opposed on Ukraine than those two. Their chosen methods of discourse could hardly be more opposite either.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

WRSA posts, you decide. My guess is CA chooses not to be strictly an echo chamber, but puts out info and allows the reader to make up their mind. Personally, I have no interest in what aesop has to say. As I’m sure he has no interest in my opinion…

1 year ago
Reply to  WiscoDave

You are 100% correct.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

This Aesop, whomever they are, has an ascerbic wit and quite the way with the English language. They sure know how to string together an epithet! They appear to be well educated and are clearly very intelligent. I believe this person to be who they claim to be (e.g. medical profession, ED Nurse with much experience, former marine medic.)
However I do not read their blog posts. It’s good writing, for sure, but I believe they are the epitome of what Michael Yon means when he talks about mis-aligned paradigms. I think this problem is endemic in our country and our world, for a variety of reasons.

As with most smart people, there’s a certain level of self-confidence and bravado. I too think I’m smart, I believe what I think, and I think I’m right! However I’m open minded to different ideas, and adjust my paradigm when new information presents itself. A LOT of people in our world, simply aren’t capable. It’s too destabilizing psychologically. Imagine if you will, all your life, “Russia=bad”. Suddenly Russia = notbad. That does not compute. Your worldview is based on russia is the bad guys. Germany is another great example, were the Nazi’s bad? Not if you were a starving German in 1937 when they were voted into power… Then go ask those same Germans from 1945. Paradigm matters.
If you construct your world view, your paradigm, with certain pillars of thought, it is very hard to break that pattern, as your worldview is built upon it. “The Federal government has my best interest at heart”… how many people still to this day, after all this, still think that? Can’t shake that pillar, it’s foundational to their worldview, their entire paradigm! To even attempt to construct a worldview where the fedgov is evil, is impossible (for several reasons). Accepting that concept was a challenging part of my growing up, and I still struggle sometimes. Some people still believe people are inherently good in their hearts… God Bless ’em! That’s not my paradigm.

Aesop lives in a paradigm that does not match reality. The friction you see, the lashing out, the insults, the invective, the arguments, is because they’ve already picked a side, and it was the wrong one. They’ve doubled and tripled down, insulting so many people along the way, that acknowledging the mistake at this point is more painful than quadrupling down on the false premise. Sound like any of the Covidiots you know? The Vaxinated? Look at these monkey’s that claimed the Hunter Laptop was a Russian plant, evidence be damned! They’re still holding to that claim today, despite all the info that’s come out. This affects the entirety of the Federal Government agencies at all levels… What you have to grok here is the lynchpin: Its literally to the point now to re-cant any of this BS would equal jail time for many people. So that’s simply not gonna happen.
You caught your husband naked in bed with their dick moving in and out of another man, and while pumping away he’s telling you “its not what it looks like, honey”. That’s literally where our world is right now with all this shit. Pick a topic, any topic! Climate Change, Elections, Ukraine, anything! There’s this fabricated fake worldview the media presents, and reality constantly clashing against it causing problems for the narrative… That’s why we have a censorship issue, reality doesn’t match the narrative, must control the narrative… For these people, narrative = reality. For us, reality = narrative. Hence why there being ‘2 sides’ and everything being so polarized. Acknowledging climate change just might be fake breaks the entire world paradigm that white men lactated slavery into existence after giving birth through immaculate conception.

Apologies for being so long winded, but this individual we interact with is a perfect fractal of the problem facing our society. So many people are so thoroughly convinced of their own correctness, they will ignore all evidence to the contrary, regardless of how detrimental it may prove to be. Aesop is the perfect example, he still thinks the Ukie’s are gonna win! If you counter this paradigm, they will lash out and insult you, because there is no logical argument that actually works in the face of reality. You know that pattern of behavior is a tell, right?

If you haven’t yet, read “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” by Charles Mackey. Enlightening stuff from a Scotsman of the 1800’s. This is human nature, it’s happened many times before throughout history, and being exploited by the people in charge.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Thank you, you are a dangerous thinker. I’m jealous.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

This absolutely nails it. As I was reading it, I thought to myself numerous times, “I could’ve written this comment”, as it sounds almost exactly like what I would’ve posted, and in point of fact have been telling people in conversation for the last several years. Most are unwilling to accept it, but I keep beating that drum anyway. A few more people “get it” now, but I’ve abandoned any hope of most people grasping it, and what the failure to understand and contain the threat it poses will mean to their lives.

You saved me the effort of recounting it all again, and put up a top shelf explanation of why there are so many apparent rectal cavities who are wrong -- while continuing to insist they are right -- in direct contravention of every perceptible shred of reality that is busting their preferred narrative. I thank you for both saving the wear and tear on my keyboard, and for being correct in your assessment of these types who simply cannot bring themselves to accept reality, nor will they abandon their insatiable need to control others (by being “right”), irrespective of how wrong they can be shown to be. COVID, and all the measures and lies that sprang forth from it was a watershed moment in so starkly demonstrating the absolute intractability of these sorts.

The bad news is that the unshakable delusions of these types of people (at least among those who hold any sort of power, be they “elected”, appointed, or simply so wealthy that they can buy a seat at the table), will not be broken by anything short of massive violence that they will be responsible for inciting, because they are incapable of backing down. Therefore, they will force a confrontation, if we are to throw off the yoke their dangerously stupid ideas are putting upon us (climate change, endless wars, what we are allowed to eat, thought control, et al).

The only alternative to that outcome is that we accept being imposed upon to an ever greater degree, and we are already acutely aware that path ends in our slavery and death at their hands. I’m not willing to capitulate to the authoritarians and their ruinous agenda, the imposition of which I never wanted nor agreed to. The fact they don’t care that I’ve not consented to any of this, and yet intend to proceed anyway by use of force, up to and including killing me for my refusal to comply, is the crux of the problem.

Charley Waite
Charley Waite
1 year ago

Aesop I believe is just a contrarian and he responds nowadays to any pushback on his opinions with excessive sarcasm and condescension. I wrote him off sometime around Covid

1 year ago
Reply to  Charley Waite

You might want to contrast and compare what the Washington Post is saying and Aesop’s writings about 24 hours later. Mucho similarity. Just add some acerbic comments and off you go.

Pre-COVID Aesop was worth reading. Now I ponder what happened to the Drudge.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Somebody from Google took over day to day operations of Drudge.

george 1
george 1
1 year ago
Reply to  Charley Waite

The fact that Aesop is echoing the CIA mantra concerning Ukraine is the tell. These people have lied about everything of importance since at least the 1940s but now they are telling you the truth. We can take it to the bank.

Since nearly everything TPTB state can be nearly completely inverted and something close to the truth arrived at, I suspect Russia is stronger than ever economically and militarily.

Paddy O'Furniture
Paddy O'Furniture
1 year ago

Aesop also is still hard pushing “masks work” as his other top idiocy; he is an asshole of a blogger that is pretty much the laughingstock in bloggerdom with his bloviating takes on masks and Ukraine in particular.
He’s ignored except like now when someone actually reads his latest screed of stupidity.

joe tentpeg
joe tentpeg
1 year ago


For years his closing shot was ‘Show your work!’

Love ta meet the middle school teacher that lives in his head rent free.

1 year ago

He’s the uncle you want to avoid at family gatherings.

1 year ago
Reply to  jrod

There is definitely that element too. There are scores of voices and writers and other independent journalists and media people with whom I would be so lucky to share a meal and conversation. Its a decently long list that does not include that particular character.

“Would I want to have a beer with him?” is an old arbiter that dies hard for its tendency to cut through a lot of noise.

To break bread, and perhaps a beer or two, and trade experiences, how we came to the truth, what we are doing in light of our own reckoning, etc. To hone our blades, kindle our fires with a Brother is a real gift. It is also one of the things that they stole from us that really gets my ire up at 3am sketching gallows.

I try to let Proverbs 27:17 guide me.
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”

I give a wide birth to those with whom I disagree, for it is our own pride and vanity that bring us far more ruin that some loudmouth, and so we must be willing put our own sword against the iron of opposition.

As long as the cause is just, and the other man has made himself worthy of the same. Together we are better.

Men who fail to either be worthy or willing to be held to his Brothers iron, well that’s a bad sign.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Thank you, good to see others seeing some problems with Aesop and others messages. Also at times experience anxiety, returning to (Staying anchored) to our Father who art in heaven , seems to bring back the peace.
‘Our Father in the shamayim, let Your Name be set-apart, let Your reign come, let your desire be done on arets as it is in heaven.
Give us yom by yom our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And do not lead us into trial, but rescue us from the wicked one.”

1 year ago

Aesop would be great if he would learn it’s okay to say “hey, based on the information I had at the time I thought that X was right, but new information has emerged and I was wrong.” People actually gain respect for others when they admit they were wrong.
That and not blatantly attacking people who respectfully disagree with him.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago
Reply to  Berglander

It’s been said many times that “I was wrong” is one of the toughest of all sentences to utter. Some never gain any facility with it, no matter how long they live.

george 1
george 1
1 year ago
Reply to  Berglander

Yep. Humility is an important Christian value.

1 year ago
Reply to  Berglander

The problem here, is that it wouldn’t be true: The information *was* readily available at the time, about both Ukraine, and the masks. (there were even two studies still posted at NIH refuting masks preventing viral infection, and another published by Fauchi himself about how most of the hospitalization from the previous flu epidemic was actually respiratory bacterial infections *cause* by masks)

On these two subjects at least, he did *not* do his homework, and therefore had no work to show.

1 year ago

Who cares about some bloke named Aesop? Man’s law must always bow to God’s law. Blessed is a man who keeps the true sun from setting in himself the whole day of this present life, not allowing the sun to be blotted out by the dusk of sin and ignorance. We are to show no mercy to evil passions, but are to put them to death.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

I do not read Aesop. Once did but quit. We’ve got too many problems here in the USA to work out. Prepare for the future.

1 year ago

I’ve never understood the appeal of consuming content riddled with junior high vernacular and the kind of feminized drippy condescension that is really more of an NPR trait than hardscrabble normie-right. But there is a market for everything in the internet era.

Its cringe, as the kids say. But worse, it’s a massive energy suck atop countersignaling and gatekeeping content that contains just enough ‘hard’ truth to remain relevant to many on our side of the great divide. Many red flags there.

The Secret King of Orange County employes the opposite of respect your audience. Which should be a red flag on its own.

He does not desire an actual discourse on the ideas and challenges of our time. He does not value the advancing of the ideas he covers over the sound of his own keyboard.

He does not serve the greater good of the spiritual, physical, or social order of our people beyond that which advances his imagined status among the True Warriors of Truth in his fiefdom. He is angry that he has not become more important even though he very well could be doing excellent work within his wheelhouse, of which he has done previously.

The tack of his blog has become increasingly common. The deeply curated echo chamber in which any challenge to his pre-conceived thesis is summarily deleted. Or reanimated to be used for the sole purpose of fisking them into the playing field he has designed.

This pattern is the actual framing of his argumentation, a kind of self-reinforcing feedback loop, which serves at the beckon of its master and not the actual truth. He is clever, however, as he always leaves a back door for himself. These parlor tricks get lost in the trees of his grotesque language and sometimes humorous goring of the low-hanging fruit of our enemies.

In all, however, he is arguing in bad faith. It is immoral. To never indict yourself in this fallen condition is another red flag.

Sadly there are many simps and sycophants waiting to be led out of their mediocre stations by such a charlatan. I have empathy for those of us who have been so captured or destroyed or betrayed by our prior service. But time is short. And thank God there are a great many voices out here that are not so troubled and self-serving.

For these disenfranchised grumps, drafting off a bombastic narcissist affords a kind of group affiliation to go with their outrage. We all now how group affiliation is a scarce thing. Its understandable to hunger for the company of rough men who might share our ideas.

And yet the entire production could run with this but is instead bent over the anvil of impotence and misplaced identity that is unfortunately a major byproduct of gutting the cultural and spiritual mettle of Heritage America. Instead of transcending and leading up and out, he prefers to drag his readers down. There is a strong crab pot to it all.

He is a sign of the times. The working middle class finds any “patriot” badge of service to be an irresistible gateway drug into the hopium dens of civic nationalism cum CW2 sofa-stryker brigades all wishing for a strong man.

Which is fitting, given the king’s claimed location in fully diversified and occupied socal. Pretty much the worst place to be given it is all going to hell. Another red flag. Its always personal. And yet personal choices seem incongruent with the supposed reality at hand.

I suspect that there is a cohort on the presumptive right that includes a lot of salty, cynical older guys who see themselves as him -- or rather, a caricature of themselves they wished they could embody, delivering the limitless bravado, expertise, and resulting disdain for the commoners who suffer with lesser abilities to know all about all. The one friend I have who reads him religiously is just that.

The king is obviously thin-skinned and volatile, which is common of dark triad types with high N and antisocial tendencies. Another red flag.

Sometimes in dark times these guys are useful warriors. Perhaps his time will come. But until then he is best ignored in favor of getting to know your neighbors. Or learning something useful. Or drafting long comments here. Ha!

1 year ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

Oh my, so well said. Thank you

1 year ago

It’s my humble observation that Aesop is not well. He has unresolved emotional issues.

1 year ago

. “It’s too destabilizing psychologically. Imagine if you will, all your life, “Russia=bad”. Suddenly Russia = notbad. That does not compute. Your worldview is based on russia is the bad guys”
And for me it’s been slow coming to the realization America = bad” and not just in international dealings, but also in regard to heritage Americans. Web sites like this and Larry Johnson’s, Macgregor’s, Napolitano’s and many others, if you look for them, have opened me to see beyond the matrix. And I thought I was already awake to the evils on the other side. These sites and others remind me of tales of the underground radio resistance in WWII.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 year ago
Reply to  jrod

Indeed. The state of America now can be best summed up by Pogo’s famous line “I have met the enemy, and they are us.” Or at least, they are the subset of “us” that populated the ranks of (not really) “our” government at all levels.

Those of us who recognize how bad it truly is are frequently villainized by people who are still in the “rah rah USA, we can do no wrong” Lee Greenwoodesque mindset. I can’t reach these people -- who seem to be incapable of any introspection and admitting, much less comprehending, the bad acts done by a rogue government that continues to commit said acts in their name.

It is a source of great frustration that the mere act of pointing out to such individuals that the USA desperately needs to get it’s house in order (without even broaching the unpleasant details of how that will have to be accomplished) causes an immediate knee-jerk denial that any such problem exists and actually needs correcting.