It’s time To Quit Running From This Evil. It’s Time To Believe!

When I quickly published this article the other day I was very interested to see what kind of comments it would get.

Surprisingly the one thing that seemed to get the most pushback was suggestion number four, “Eliminate Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security etc..”

Which reminded me of this:

Very prolific.

I don’t have the answers. I’m trying my best to get us to unite in a common cause, LIBERTY!

Sadly I think the vast majority of our population has this way of thinking:

I think most Americans are still of the mindset that they can vote their way out of this mess, even though they have been slapped in the face with blatant stolen elections in 2020 and 2022. They are expecting Trump or DeSantis to be their savior. That way they can stay on the couch and continue with their fantasy football.

WE have to believe in ourselves. WE can restore Liberty for ourselves and future generations. WE can rid the world of this evil we are faced with. WE just need to commit. WE just need to believe. Our cause is just. Liberty is more precious than our lives. Evil needs to be punished. WE are to fight against it at all cost. WE should not fear death. This is not our home, we are but passing through. Yes we will be placing ourselves in danger to one degree or another when we stand up, but we place our children and grandchildren in even greater danger if we do not stand up!

The problem is choice. Right now we are choosing to sit on the fence. We are choosing to do nothing and just wait for trouble to show up on our doorstep. We all know that there is no voting our way out of this. I just hope that we don’t continue to wait until it is too late to save a future for our children. How did our forefathers come together and organize the American Revolution? For one they believed. Believed in themselves. Believed in their cause. Believed in Liberty. Believed.

It’s time to quit running from this evil. It’s time to believe.


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Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Self preservation- The “self” me, I. I might lose my 401k or go to jail if I do stand up. then who’s gonna make my truck payments? See the wife and I are planning a nice vacation this summer and well,…..maybe I can send a check or something. I do support the cause but right now is just not a good time. Besides I’m just one guy….what difference can I make?!

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

decisions, decisions….

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The Albert Sensor Systems: How Government and a 501(c)3 Tracks Real-Time Election Data in 98% of the US -- Put Into Effect by DHS After Trump Won in 2016 Due to Bogus Trump-Russia Collusion Claims If you still think we can vote our way out of this have at it. Keep up the good work Wes, even though it looks like a lost cause. How did the first revolution begin? Was there anybody sounding the alarm? We have been behind enemy lines for a while now, will we succeed in regaining our freedom and liberty. The illegal invasion has been going on uninhibited with great success, they all need to hang, every last one of them.

2 years ago

Wes -- -- Your exhortations are sincere but, as you say, seem to be falling on deaf ears.

I have no cook-book solution as to how to unite those who could become patriots, but I feel that the following quote is illustrative of where we, as a nation are headed:

“Once you get religion out of the way, the West becomes a formless entity, with materialism and globalism replacing Christianity.” Taki Theodoracopulos

You have often touched on the crux of our problems, lack of faith, be it spiritual or patriotic or as defenders of that which must be held near and dear.

IMHO, today’s isolated society causes those we actually know to either be those at our work among those few with whom we may share common bonds, and those we know through our church or civic group. And then there are a few neighbors, like the folks next door or across the street. Lastly there are those known through our children’s acquaintances arising from sports, musical, or Scouting type activities. Family, which should be foremost, is usually not in the picture because time and distance separates those which by heritage, sanguinity and natural affection are bonded.

So my comment is this: we will not easily be United into a common Purpose until the desperation of events draw those living nearby to learn of each other’s strengths and foibles.

Yes, there were only 3% involved actively in our 1st Civil War , commonly mis-named as The American Revolution. But those Patriots were linked by common everyday connections: church, work, nearby family, common heritage, and other bonds that brought them together way before commonly suffered adversity was deemed intolerable. ! !

If there is any solution hidden in my thoughts, laid out herein, it is that if we understand why we are not easily joined with like minded Patriots, we can work on connecting with others through our CHURCH, non-work related activities, and in our neighborhoods.

May the Great Father of us all, find favor in spite of our weakness to strengthen us and increase our resolve !!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

The problem is debt is the new currency. People won’t revolt until they can’t put food on the table. People can max out credit cards as they hope things will get better.

2 years ago

Its like trying to light damp tinder,
Spark after spark after spark, eventually something starts to smolder then all of a sudden there are flames, small at first but quickly they spread,
We are still flaring sparks,
Hopefully not too late

2 years ago
Reply to  Tommyboy

We have a long way to go and a short time to get there. Form a convoy and keep on truckin’.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommyboy

Time for preparation is over, continue to light fires but at some point sheep become liabilities. We are about to face that moment. -- Arcadians, what’s your profession? Plumber, clerk, teacher,…..Spartans, what’s your profession?! -- We are here at a moment in History! Real history in real time.

2 years ago

Once this new ebola pandemic hits…we won’t stand a chance!! FEMA camps are coming!

2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Invoke Redneck resistance: “Ain’t doin’ it”.

2 years ago

Seems like most are missing the message that Jesus told us: that He would come to “collect His Church” BEFORE all hell broke loose; the 7 years of Tribulation. And yes! It WILL get MUCH worse.
We need to have and KEEP that Faith within our hearts and minds as we continue our fight against this evil that WE have brought upon ourselves.
Yes, WE brought this on. WE didn’t fight when this evil crept up on us. WE stayed silent as these crimes against humanity and morality, God’s morality, befell us yet said nothing as it happened.
So, like “in the days of Noah”, and “as in the days of Lot”, WE remained silent.
That said, it is time for us to scream from the rooftops that Yeshua is en route to collect His People as we fight against each and EVERY crime, tooth, and nail.
I’m saying these things because it seems, no one else will. Are we too embarrassed or afraid of cynical retribution from others to proclaim the truth? If so, remember what Christ also said: If you’re embarrassed of ME, I will also be embarrassed of you, (paraphrased).
Don’t forget that!

2 years ago

amen !!!!!!!!!!!!!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Who are the ones saved through tribulation? A multitude. Are they also part of the church?
The left behind series was a good movie, an adventure, yet it has led many off the true path. imho. Many are waiting for something physical to take place first, and then are missing the signs that are right in front of them, therefore not seeing what time it has gotten to be.
He collects us Spiritually as individuals.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

yep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

It’s the “bread and circuses”….or beer and sportsball mentality that is the problem. As long as the masses are fed….crappy food, and entertained….with mindless distractions, the criminals in power have nothing to fear. By the time people are hungry and no longer distracted it will be too late.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

When you stand up to fight, you’ll be run over by all the other people who had their currency collapse over night. Don’t get between them and DC.

2 years ago

I learned this during my military career in special operations -- either you’re an asset or a liability. Sad to say but we’re overrun with liabilities.

2 years ago

“Eliminate Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security etc..”

These things are moot.

They are based upon the US dollar, and all they can ever provide to you are US dollars. US dollars are being inflated to infinity. They have been since well before 1913. We exported the vaste majority of them as the “petrodollar” and “world reserve currency”, and *still* had double-digit inflation in the US for most of my long life. Now, with the collapse of both the petrodollar and the world reserve currency, all those dollars massively printed for *decades*, are flooding back to the US as fast as they can before inflation erases them forever. It’s a run on the dollar.

Your 401k, your IRA, your Medicaid, Medicare, and your Social Security are done. They may all still be there, and may still pay out to you (*or* they may find creative means of “haircutting” in a vain attempt to stem the hyperinflation), but either way, the dollar is done, and soon, almost no one will accept them as payment for goods and services, and those who do will need to spend them that same day, before they inflate away.

There is no vote, there is no dollar, there is no appeal to reason or logic, there is no negotiation, no dialog, no compromise. It’s all dead. Plan accordingly.

2 years ago

With our own Elections being so obviously compromised, for sure we can No Longer vote our way to anything. Elections can’t be trusted until all 50 states implement voter ID, remove foreign software, remove ballot boxes, remove extra days of voting, and more.

2 years ago

Silence is Golden.
Technology will hang you.
Only on the worst of nights.

Tragedy of the Commons

Blood in -- Blood out.

2 years ago

Surprisingly the one thing that seemed to get the most pushback was suggestion number four, “Eliminate Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security etc..”

People don’t want to gib up da gibs.
I keep a portion of my money under my mattress. Last night, my home was burgled, and the money taken. I put it under that mattress myself. It is mine. I am owed that money. I deserve to have that money back.
Therefore, tonight I will burgle my neighbor’s home and steal the money under his mattress. After all, money is fungible. I figure this will make me whole.