It’s Time To Send the GOP a Message

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) helped lead the push for the Bring Jobs Home Act, a bill that would end tax breaks for companies that move jobs away from the United States, before it was shut down by the GOP. (Win McNamee / Getty)

by Leo Gerard

Republicans have proved once again that they’re out of touch with what Americans want.

House Republicans last week overwhelmingly endorsed suing President Barack Obama for delaying part of the Affordable Care Act, a law Republicans hate and condemn and voted 50 times to repeal. So, really, the president did exactly what the GOP claims it wants. But they’re suing anyway.

On the other side of the Capitol, Senate Republicans last week prevented repair of a law that 99.99 percent of Americans hate and condemn and would vote 50 times to repeal, given the chance. The GOP blocked a bill that would have ended tax breaks bestowed on corporations for offshoring factories and jobs.

Only one Senate Republican  voted for the Bring Jobs Home Act—the bill that would have replaced corporate reprobate rebates with rewards for firms that move factories back to America. Americans of all political persuasions object to paying higher taxes to offset the cost of coddling corporate defectors. The GOP’s filibustering of this bill is dereliction of duty. So let’s sue. And look at it this way, even if this is a lost cause—and it is—the more time Republicans must spend in court, the less time they have to obstruct the will of the people.



Leo Gerard is one of the nation’s top domestic enemies.

David DeGerolamo

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10 years ago

The GOP is Complicit…….all they do as talk as Obama continues destruction..

The so called border Crisis and all is accomplished is talking about it..

Please, Rick Perry is just another open borders Republican….

10 years ago

Seriously? You accept the United Steelworkers Union president’s description of this legislation??

You might as well trust Green Left Weekly or InfoWars.

There are no “tax breaks bestowed on corporations for offshoring factories and jobs.” That’s a Democrat lie. That’s what they call the fact that only corporate profits are subject to income tax, and expenses are not profits.

The way to get America back to work is not with tax credits to bribe companies to “bring jobs home,” coupled with hidden taxes that eliminate the deductibility of some ordinary business expenses. The way to get America back to work is to make American businesses more competitive in the global marketplace, by lowering taxes, streamlining regulations, reducing energy costs (by abolishing cost-inflating “green” energy boondoggles)… and curbing the pernicious influence of Big Labor, like the United Steelworkers Union.