J6 Political Hostage Jon Mellis Speaks Out – Jan 6 Detainees Have Been Sexually Assaulted and ‘Ziptied In the Middle Of The Night’ – Coming Up on Two Years of Isolation and Abuse 

J6 political prisoner Jonathan Mellis warns he and other J6 defendants in the “Patriot Pod” of the DC Gulag are being tortured by “racist, hateful, and abusive correctional officers,” sexually assaulted and treated like animals for being Trump supporters.

Mellis described the abuse in a letter to The Gateway Pundit and is pleading for help from the American people.

“The treatment I have endured since my arrest has shaken my faith in humanity,” wrote the 34,-year-old who was apprehended nearly two years ago in a pre-dawn FBI raid while visiting his parents at their home.

“I was arrested on February 16, 2021, as if I were an Al Qaeda terrorist. I have not seen my family’s faces in almost 2 years. My father, Gennaro Mellis, died a few months after my arrest. I was denied bond back then and still today,” he continued “I hope you can forgive me for reaching out for assistance. I am struggling.”

The last time Mellis saw his father, he was being hauled away by FBI agents in a pre-dawn raid.

“My father was a decorated Vietnam War hero. He was a retired US Army Major, and also retired from the Navy. The last time I ever saw my father I was in handcuffs in front of his house surrounded by dozens of militarized FBI agents. My father was my best friend. My father knew my character and stood by me until his death on May 17, 2021,” he explained. “Unfortunately, my widowed mother is being forced by circumstance to sell the home our family grew up in. It looks like I will never get to see the inside of the home my father raised me in.”

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

FUSA=banana republic. LGBFJB!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The lesson is, never surrender. I haven’t got the resources to help. But there are people who can help, yet they do not. No conservative activist lawyers out there?

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe


That’s the only real take. This is how they treat prisoners. If someone tries to handcuff you for a traffic violation, you should defend yourself as if they are trying to put you in a gulag of torture and sexual abuse, BECAUSE THEY ARE. Take Solzhenitsyn’s advice. Resist with everything you can find. Defend yourself. Do not submit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

If everyone adheres to that and takes out at least one of the perps it will end very quickly.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

So where’s big bucks Trump? I mean, he can’t even get the best counsel for these guys. He was the reason they were there to begin with ffs.
But yea, trust the plan!

2 years ago

Trump could have helped those poor people in prison. I lost all respect for him. He was the one that invited them. I know of people who were on welfare and they skipped buying food so they could go see Trump on J6.

2 years ago

I’m OUT!

Beyond disgusting.
Message Received indeed.

I do have 1 Sincere Question or Thought….
( I would think the Shit Stains(DC System) would …Control J6 mail more. )

How are these letters getting out?
Signed …mind you.
Especially with some of these allegations.

2 years ago

fascist ‘merikan government, it’s has become a giant tyrannical communist/pedophile/queer machine ruled by evil and needs to be torn down from the top to bottom. Then, eliminate the federal rule and balkanize into sovereign states. No central gov, no world gov!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kal


2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

There will never be a better time than now.

2 years ago

The shitheads who run and work in the DC Gulag had best stay within the Beltway if they know what’s good for them. They wouldn’t fare well outside Occupied Territory.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  ruralcounsel

bro, it ain’t them comin for ya. it’s the illegals coming in who are being trained right now and when the next BSdemic hits, it’s open season on the white man.

2 years ago

Citizen Joe is right. At this point if they try to arrest you or your family the only option is to fight. If you don’t then you will likely end up in a gulag Luke the J6 patriots with no legal recourse regardless of what the law says seeing how it is they make up the “law” as they go along. Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Hopefully take some of them with you on the way out.

Mr. Waiting
Mr. Waiting
2 years ago

Everything going in the world today is quite disturbing. More so what’s going on literally on our door step. It truly saddens me that I won’t be here to protect my grandchildren from this bullshit. If and when they come knocking I’ve made my piece with the lord and I hope they have as well.