James Rickards: “When The International Monetary System Collapses—It’s Going To Be About How Much Gold You Have”

I had the chance to reconnect with James G. Rickards, Senior Managing Director of Tangent Capital and author of the New York Times Bestseller, Currency Wars: The Making Of The Next Global Crisis.

It was a fascinating conversation, as James indicated that the U.S. Fed ismanipulating every market in the world in an attempt to abort the country’s first depression since the 1930′s. As a consequence, he notes that emerging countries are abandoning paper currencies in favor of physical gold, in anticipation of a collapse in the international monetary system.

Speaking towards the recent non-tapering and continued Fed stimulus, James explained that, “The Feds are inflating the [stock] bubble as they did in the late-90s, and as they did in the mid-2000s with money printing and monetary easing…[it’s] just money printing. It’s another bubble that will end badly, but the thing with bubbles is they can go on a lot longer than you expect. I mean it could go on well into next year before correcting.”


h/t Tom R

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