Jerry Nadler is setting the stage for CIVIL WAR in 2020

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[…] on December 13, 2019 by Wes […]

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

“Civil society 2.0” and civil war 2.0 are in effect the same entity! The outcome is the same, war, depopulation. Many say it is inevitable. This seems so.
Does this make it right? To fall in with them?
Can you stand, can we stand and be set-apart,while exposing the lies of both “sides?” Or must we engage and follow them down the common avenue of destruction through what
appears’ to be the wide open gate?
Seems to me, what “they” need more than anything is both sides to show up, They may even create the false opposition, just to kick things off. Or is this what they already have been doing?