Joe Biden’s ATF Director Appointed; Republicans Sell Out Voters

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Did not expect anything less, there is no political solution.

2 years ago

So….the RINOs sold us out again. I’m shocked…shocked I tell you. Anyone who believes that anything will change if the demonrats are turned out of office in November is an abject moron.

2 years ago

No Surprise, …no surprise what so ever.

2 years ago

IN Ohio we consider Portman a Traitor and are embarrassed by his actions. He’s known as the Romney of Ohio! We’ll be rid of him if we have an election.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Yeah, as discussed by several others… this is my shocked and surprised face.
More eriting on the wall. If you’re not preparing for registered gun confiscation in this country, well, you may not be bright enough to own one.

As an aside, I too read these abrogations and indignations weekly. They used to bother me, but frankly I no longer care what rules or laws this illegitimate federal collection of thieves passes. None of them are valid, none of them shall apply to me. Its my constitutional right, so they can phuckoff!

2 years ago

This is pg 1944 of the CURRENT Blacks Law dictionary 11th ed, Appendix A, Letter A. Read the very FIRST listed legal maxim for yourselves. Court admin, sophomorically call themselves judges, while ignoring the truth for their own established facts.
Where do they get the authority to write regulations beyond the statutes legislature passes. THEY DON’T, THEY JUST CEASE POWER and ASSUME JURISDICTION. All this by the constant excuse ‘The public acquiesced by not objecting’.
The NC BAR is an extortion syndicate of the Crown’s Roman Catholic economic protection legal system. Back in the day they put on witch trials, which persecuted Protestants enough to become Pilgrims. As many of the accused were knowledge/economic pillars of the kingdom, the Borg witch trials continued until 1736. The founding fathers remembered all to well how those kangaroo court operated, and they wrote the Bill of Right to help counter such proceedings. Due process includes confronting your accuser, DENIED. Legal maxim (in same pic) no judgement without injury, DENIED (as hurt feelings are now considered injury).
Under NC current red flag statutes, the plaintiff can only be charge for a misdemeanor for committing perjury. While the defendant will be charged with a felony, for lying under oath. It’s so rigged, no testimony given by the plaintiff can be used against the plaintiff. They can brag on the stand about committing a crime against the defense, it won’t hurt their case nor will they be charged.

control abuse 2.jpg
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

ExParte courts violate maxim ‘No one can pass fair judgment without hearing both sides’, DENIED
Prosecutors are not allowed to ‘LEAD THE WITNESS’ ie establish evidence on the witnesses behalf. example DA ‘Did you see Tom walk in the room, shoot Bob in the head, then run away?’ This is not allowed, the charging witness must establish in their own words what happened. Only upon CROSS EXAMINATION can the witness be lead, as he may try sophistry as a means of justifying his answer to himself (mental gymnastics of the layman).
The state starts the entire proceeding by handing the Plaintiff a ‘fill in the blank’, and check the boxes that apply, form for the belligerent to take advantage of. File at the right time, you can take it home, get drunk with your girlfriend and write what ever detrimental things have happened over your lifetime. And that didn’t just happen to me:
Admin ‘But the law says we have to take everyone at their word’, while they practice from the bench to help the Plaintiff. Yet when ‘the law’ say they have to return your property. Admin ‘Oh, no no no, you have to fill our OUR paperwork, where we define you property as a tool of war. If you’re intelligent enough to properly fill out a motion, well we’ll just assume you didn’t know what you’re doing and deny.’

(Pic) But rest assured, there is no such thing, nor has there ever been a Witch Trial ^sar^

Witch switch.jpg
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

We are fast approaching the Day of “Nothing Left To Lose”. Rule 308 will be the only solution.

2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

damn fine rule! hope the rule is semi-auto!

2 years ago

Sheriffs and Police have to choose, cookies or caliber for the citizens….. PS: You Get what You Give.
We have remained peaceful while democRat Bolshvik Burn Loot Murder , Antifa, and FIB/ATF destroy the Constitutional Rule of Law.
The Dutch CW will be interesting as to the Split in the police ranks, Choose wisely Comrades.

2 years ago

..and so what drops today, sweeping new gun bill, which goes after the little black gun and pistols not to mention AK’s but most foreboding is the second proposal that contains the words “any with a foregrip” this ain’t just your AR or AK, hidden agenda, all rifles have a forestock/ foregrip!!!!! They’re coming for the mags too. Time to e-mail, write, CALL YOUR rEPRESENTATIVE AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN POLITICIANS MAKE STUPID LAWS. There are consequences to all actions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kal
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

The only consequences that will make a difference at this point are the ones traveling at 3400 fps.
We have to grok that, everything else is just masturbation.