Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony will be covered by a security company, that Uncle Sam is paying handsomely, to keep the President-elect safe — and by the looks of everything they’re equipped to do, he’ll be in good hands.
TMZ obtained federal procurement docs that show the Secret Service has hired a company called Showcall Security Services to help out with the inauguration in January. The company scored a $7.5 million contract for the job … and it sounds like they’ll be worth every dime of taxpayer money.
Turns out, a division of Showcall, named Checkmate, is what’ll be deployed here — and a glance at their specialties shows why they cost a pretty penny. Checkmate boasts “temporary deployable security assets” that create “hardened perimeters,” which can stop vehicle-borne threats and attempted weapons hand-offs of people who get past checkpoints
Do you think Joe is worried about the National Guard? He is definitely running scared when he has lucid moments.
David DeGerolamo
vetting the guard will make more ‘far right extremists’ than were there to begin with. new buzz word for patriot, far right extremist. gotta love it…. people who love their country so much they join the guard to be ready to lay down their lives for it, spend months in the desert multiple times, leave their families etc to serve, and uncle joe sics the dogs on them. THAT was a mistake. hiring outside help was another. ever heard of ROME? no, bc you quit teaching history. no soup for you!….”oh how we burned in the gulags after the purges. if only we had met them at the door…..” btw, they blocked dtg blog. the chair is against the wall.
Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it!
I thought the military and all law enforcement personnel swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution as well as the nation, from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, and to obey ALL LAWFUL orders issued by civilian authorities (the Commander-in-Chief. So why are they protecting Biden and Harris, and the members of Congress who have committed Fraud and all sorts of other High Crimes and HIGH TREASON against the Constitution and the people of the United States. Doesn’t that mean that the military and law enforcement members are violating their oaths,making them traitors as well? Trump has the power, while he is president, to STOP all of this by activating the Sedition Act, but he MUST do so before 12 noon tomorrow, other wise, Biden will be sworn in and Trump will revert back to being a regular citizen with no more power than the rest of us, and ifhe fails to do so, would that not mean that he would be guilty of aiding and abetting in the treasonous takeover of our country?
New national holiday:
Happy Winston Smith Day! The last day of freedom. Everyone worked so hard to get us here. Not taking time to be involved in our children’s education or social clubs, not being involved in our churches, local governments or communities. Not knowing our neighbor or waving good morning to the person driving down our street. Stay plugged in brothers and sisters, do not question, it will all be over soon. See you in the vax line or fun camp.
[…] the two divisions of national guard in Washington, D.C. The government has hired a private security detail to protect Joe. The national guard is under investigation for their “loyalty”. I will […]
[…] JOE BIDEN’S INAUGURATION – Pricey Security Co. Hired | NC Renegades […]
Going to quote a childhood favorite character.
“I got a bad feelin about this…..”
a presidential coronation in the midst of an occupying army is the very definition of a coup