Joe wants to BAN EVERYTHING. And so it Begins…

I hope these fools go ahead and pass every unconstitutional law possible.

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4 years ago

I truely do not care what these marxists try to do. I do not care. My behavior will not change.

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

Been waiting for the other shoe to fall. They can’t hang us all.

4 years ago

I believe Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, and many of those like them will fight them to maintain our 2nd Amendment. The rest of them just can’t be trusted and need to be relieved of their positions as they DO NOT represent the people.

4 years ago

I wish I could name someone with the guts to stand up. George Washington must be turning over in his grave.

4 years ago

The communists can ‘pass laws’, but ‘Enforcing’ them is another matter. I believe that they will try and rely on the Fact that they already have effectively Fooled everyone into complying with the B.S. ‘coronavirus’ scam, and they think, therefore, that most people will ‘obey’ the non-Constitutional gun laws.
Threats and Intimidation can only go so far in ‘enforcing colempliance’, and after That, the ‘gun raids’ and ‘checkpoints’ must begin, as there will be a certain number of people who will play Leonidas the Spartan, and Refuse to Comply.
The ‘beast’ CANNOT ignore an Open Challenge to its ‘authoritay’ and so will be forced to begin ‘Making Examples Of’ selected Resistors. Where it goes from there is rather predictable- Increasing Violence of ‘enforcement’ results only in More, and more Violent Resistance.
Math doesn’t Lie- It may be Racist, but 75 Million Armed Citizens is a Larger Number than all the Military, po-Lice, and mercenaries available to the communists.
p.s. If they “Ban Guns”, why not just drop in the Fun Switch to your AR, and screw the Oil Filter to the Barrel? You are already a ‘criminal’.

4 years ago

It’s not like they haven’t been openly telling us for YEARS what they have been planning. And unless they are stopped by force of violence they have every intention of doing everything they have been seeking to achieve. To date the left, now in charge, have NEVER suffered ANY meaningful consequences for their sedition, treason and criminality. And unless they start feeling pain and suffering on a personal physical level they WILL NOT STOP.