John Durham investigation is over…

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2 years ago

Other sources say that this is misinformation put out by the PTB and that actually the Durham operation is still going strong. I’d wait just a while yet before reaching either conclusion.

2 years ago

Hundreds prosecuted for their crimes. Cumulative thousands of years of jail time. The swamp is drained. Not!

2 years ago


There never was one.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

You knocked it out of the ball park there, Shipwreck.

2 years ago

“Don’t take the bait” is the new “trust the plan”…nc scout and joe dolio

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

With the current level of psyops coming across the interwebs I seldom ever get excited before a week or two of confirmation . Sadly I had to give up tv and the msm 25 years ago or so . Actually my distrust started back in 69 after the Kent State Massacre . The next day I got fired at my job by a foreman that was also a captain in the National Guard . I had painted my work boots in red , white , and blue and he found that offensive..He was a pricky little guy about 80 pounds soakin’ wet and the attitude of a Chihuahua . He hated me but was intimidated by my 19 year old Irish form . I had to bitch slap him and there were no witnesses around [ that seen anything] and since we were a union shop he had no case . I would have thought that purple hand impression on his face for the next week would have been enough but the Steelworkers had a good tough game . It kept the foremen from becoming tyrants too. Unions were good when they backed you . Sadly they degenerated into mammon worship and now mostly exist for their elite oligarchy . It’s looking like another Kent State to me only nationwide this time . Time to get to bitch slapping ! I think I just invented the Union of Rebel Forces . It’s not just a Southern thing you know . I got to quit drinking this Bourbon and reading my Bible while I’m fed poasting , heh . Have to sit up a while tonight . The yotes are doing some hollering and forming big war parties . My German Dogs are out around the hilltop prowling and the Rott sounds off every few minutes low and guttural . I could tell the critters were nervous tonight when I fed them. Good thing the old man had a nap today . I’m on night shift . Shalom . .

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