John Solomon says full declassification of Obamagate documents coming as soon as Friday
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3 years ago

🤣🙏 So, are all those troops there to round them all up at inaug? That would be HILARIOUS!! Such a thing he would do! I assume if faux let it pass and tube, it’s pretty official. I am very confused who will be running our Country still though if they have this much evidence. Trying to be calm and put out more positive vibes. My poor family has been feeling my misery for months!!

3 years ago

Trump can order the declassification of anything. Hell there is a LOT of things Trump can still legally do before Biden takes over. Doesn’t mean a damn thing. For any orders Trump issues there are countless bureaucratic ants who must obey those orders for them to have any effect. The left has made sure that NOBODY will do ANYTHING that Trump LEGALLY orders them to do. Trump was finished, emasculated and rendered impotent long ago by the swamp. He….and a lot of conservatives are just now learning that fact. Trump had a chance to drain the swamp right after taking office. He failed to do so quickly And relentlessly. That failure allowed the swamp to regroup, counterattack and destroy him and his legacy.