I have found JR Nyquist to be one of the most educated historians regarding communist China and Russia. Worth the time to watch.
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They won’t be using conventional weapons, either. They’ll likely use an EMP over Kansas and knock out our satellites at the same time, rendering us dead in the water.
We’ll be thrown back into the stone age in a nanosecond and billions will die. Most from fright and then from bullets while fending off starvation.
Why go through all of that trouble when they can just release another virus?
They already have released several new virus based bioweapons. They are called “fake” vaccines. And all companies making so called vaccines are complicit. Real up on “gain of function”, and you will see that a vaccine is not physically, or scientifically, possible. You can prevent attack, you can kill the bioweapon on contact, but you can’t make a vaccine against it. Thank you chairman faux-si! Guess that Talmud you read every night helped you make the decision to eliminate all non believers….in satan.
This +1000
Back in ’74 I had a bible study during lunch hour at work. I made two statements among others at the time. First, America would be destroyed; and second, when we terminate our support for Israel we will become history. I’ve heard the arguments against Jews and Israel. What those voices forget is that individuals are not part of the collective. There are bad apples in every collective. Because we refuse to punish them we reap the consequences. Take America for instance. We have lost our way and will reap what we have sown. God gives us the leaders we deserve both good and bad. The bible is explicit in that there will be a massive population reduction. The Georgia guide stones only confirms it. I’ve been aware of the alien connection since the ’50s. I am also aware of the false narrative regarding the “Rapture.” Yes, there is a resurrection; but it doesn’t occur when some folks think it will. I’m also aware that many Christians will die; because it is a time to separate those who are committed from those who are only Christians in name only. It would be a simple matter to clean up the cities under attack except the powers that be are controlled by puppet masters bent upon our destruction. We are in for a hard ride; and survival is only a short term option. I have no problem with what we are about to face. I will uphold my end as best I can with what resources I have knowing I will die. But at least I will go down fighting and take a few with me. Man has a habit of painting himself into a corner with no windows. God and His Christ are in control despite what we see. The bible says He will not suffer us unto wrath. But you have to remember that wrath emanates from two sources -- man and God. He does not spare us from man’s wrath -- only His wrath. Be of good cheer. We may finally see an end to the evil in this world.
Eddie did not say that the resurrection was false.
He said.
“Yes, there is a resurrection; but it doesn’t occur when some folks think it will.”
So what are the consequences of the false narrative that many have come to believe and all the resulting conflicts within “religions?”
One thing ( a concern) that i see is, Many will not see nor understand what is happening right before their eyes, because they believe they will not be here when these things happen.
You are very wrong. The rapture is the figment of the imagination of the jews and to deceive the Christians. NO RAPTURE, people.It’s a lie and you will not find it in the book of Apocolypse. The jews used the Apocolypse and added fantasy and called it the book of revelations. It is the book of deceit! NO RAPTURE.
Well, yes. But as my brother reminds me: China has never won a war. Having said that, in Nyquistian fashion, perhaps this is a war the US will give away. In either case, the China-Russian alliance is coming our way with a vengeance. We have been foolish but we are not dead yet. It might be worthwhile to put on Maria Callas or Johnny Cash, cut down the weeds from all this rain which block the view down the hill, read a little Nehemiah (whom I have become very fond of), and let this play out. Who knows, it might be a draw. Being poor may be God’s biggest blessing yet. Those who are poor today have very little to lose and know how to survive already. On the other hand, those who have pretty much everything they need, won’t be so quick to leave it behind and move on. Renunciation of all that ties me to this world may prove to be my greatest spiritual grace from God, even before I’m dead.
While man, (much of mankind) goes on with his wrath, his lies, his petty grievances, his drama and theatre, the universe, Yahuah’s creation, is, it would seem entering into a time of change, a cleansing?
So what kind of people should we be?
Thank you for this very informative video. I have always wondered why the church refuses to discuss the many confusing sections of the bible. Everything in the video is evident within the pages of the bible and all the other sources mentioned. I have maintained that the so called global warming is not a man made phenomenon. The bible is quite clear on the matter. Magnetic shift and/or axis shift is very real thus explaining at least three events and likely a fourth (in the near future) contained in the bible. Hiding the information from the public enables TPTB to implement their agenda rather than spare the public from unnecessary fear since they rely on fear to further their agenda.
This does seem to put things into perspective.
Good to meet you and thanks also for your comments.
Hal Turner had a post about college students being dragged off by force from 100 universities. There is all sorts of speculation, but imagine that you wanted to keep the best youth of your population alive during a nuclear exchange but you could not tell them why they were being moved to safe areas because you were going to start a war that might go nuclear, but did not want that to get out. This might be a way to do so.
Nyquist is likely right.
And Christians will go through great difficulty; they did in WW 1 and WW 2; they will also in WW 3. Christians have been crucified and murdered and burnt alive in the middle east and Africa recently. Eddie is right; we need to grow up as Christians and not expect God to rapture us with our IRA’s intact. We Christians can be the worst type of snowflakes sometimes with regard to that.
Dragged off from Chinese universities; my bad.
Especially makes sense considering that there were a higher percentage of females.
Could that be why they are building a 200 square mile base in Valverde county, Texas? With a 10,000+ ft runway? Just sayin… if you fly an aircrat, that needs a 10,000 ft runway, that throws wing tip vortices up to 5 miles, near a wind farm….those vortices will destroy each turbine they come in contact with. If the vortices off a DC-10 will flip an F-4, on 3 mile final behind, upsidedown!!! What will they do to dainty wind turbines?