Juan Williams: Time for Obama to Punch Hard

As President Obama goes to Capitol Hill for his State of the Union address he is telling the world he is fed up with Congress — the paralysis and the GOP obstruction — but his anger is secondary to signs that he is a demoralized lame duck.

In his recent, lengthy interview with the New Yorker magazine, the president comes across as passive in the face of his difficulties with the hyper-partisan Congress. He is portrayed as a politician who dislikes mixing with members of Congress, twisting arms, offering favors or pulling federal aid to move his congressional agenda.

The president all but confirms this sad-eyed portrait when he is quoted as saying that after five years in the White House he feels as helpless as a “relay swimmer in a river full of rapids and that river is history.” Poor Barack.

Later he continues his “one man in a little boat lost in the endless sea” analogy by saying he has tried to move forward but he is thwarted by having to “take into account winds and currents and occasionally the lack of any wind, so that you’re just sitting there for awhile and sometimes you’re being blown all over the place.”

Where is the fighter who proudly stood up to divisive forces opposed to a liberal on healthcare and said he won the election?



I cannot answer Mr. Williams question: where is Obama the fighter? I never saw a fighter. I saw a political frontman with a teleprompter. What happens to the puppet when the strings are cut by its master?

David DeGerolamo

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