Judge Acquits 2 Occupy Raleigh Demonstrators Due to Free Speech Rights (1st person account)

I saw this story several days ago and debated on whether or not to post it. For that, I apologize: posting an article on a victory for free speech should never involve a moment’s indecision. Although the right vilifies the Occupy movement (and the converse is true), most of the people that I interviewed at Occupy Raleigh were there because they knew that something is wrong with our country and no one is listening.

“With Liberty and Justice for All”

I do not believe that we truly understand the above words. They have become a mantra, instead of a code of Sacred honor. It is not only Washington, DC which now ignores these simple truths. We cannot restore our Liberty and justice system for a segment of the people. It is time to realize that “We the People” means exactly that: all of the people.  It means listening to the people, not political parties. It means that we have the responsibility to defend our Constitution and our founding principles. For everyone in our republic.

I do not think that Shaun would have submitted to a TSA search and patdown to see Paul Ryan speak at the Villages. I know I would not have submitted.

David DeGerolamo

From Occupy Raleigh:

On Friday, August 17, two Occupy Raleigh protestors were acquitted on all charges. The judge ruled that they had a constitutional right to remain seated peacefully on the edge of the sidewalk, as part of their demonstration against economic injustice and, more specifically, to defend an older disabled woman who was being harassed by State Capitol police to give up her chair. Unfortunately, the North Carolina judges who ruled on other protestors’ cases were not so clear-headed, as some have been found guilty and are engaged in a lengthy appeal.

**Shaun Ridgway was among those arrested on Oct. 27, and was one of the two acquitted on Friday. Here is her story, in her own words:

Before stepping on the Capitol grounds that day in October, I wept openly in my car. My knuckles were bone white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. They were arresting a disabled woman for sitting during a protest. I felt the arrest coming. I knew it was coming. I knew the moment I stepped out of my office towards the car, something was coming. I played out every scenario possible on the drive there. And every scenario led to the same conclusion. Handcuffs.


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