Judge strikes down NC gay marriage ban

Chris Creech, Chad Biggs

In the never ending onslaught of the government taking away the power of the people (and the pulpit), homosexual marriages are now allowed in North Carolina. But keep on voting: normalcy bias is a great thing. Until it isn’t.

David DeGerolamo


Same-sex couple first to marry in Wake live on TV

click here to see the video.

Chris Creech and Chad Biggs are the first gay couple to marry in Wake County after a federal judge on Oct. 10, 2014, overturned North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage.



A federal judge in North Carolina struck down the state’s gay marriage ban Friday, opening the way for the first same-sex weddings in the state to begin immediately.

U.S. District Court Judge Max O. Cogburn, Jr., in Asheville issued a ruling shortly after 5 p.m. declaring the ban approved by state voters in 2012 unconstitutional.

Cogburn’s ruling follows Monday’s announcement by the U.S. Supreme Court that it would not hear any appeal of a July ruling by the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond striking down Virginia’s ban. That court has jurisdiction over North Carolina.

“North Carolina’s laws prohibiting same-sex marriage are unconstitutional as a matter of law,” wrote Cogburn, who was appointed to the federal bench by President Barack Obama. “The issue before this court is neither a political issue nor a moral issue. It is a legal issue.”

Though Cogburn’s federal judicial district only covers the western third of the state, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper said through a spokeswoman that the federal ruling applies statewide. Cooper, a Democrat, had previously decided not to continue defending the ban after concluding that all possible legal defenses had been exhausted. He declined to be interviewed.


h/t Watcher

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10 years ago

And when occifer (with lisp) Biggs trys to cite someone for a motor vehicle violation, they should cite him for a violation of God and crime against nature.

10 years ago

Those of us that are arguing against homo marriage are arguing the wrong thing, and are letting ‘those people’ set the playing field.
The govt HAS NO BUSINESS IN MARRIAGE. The libs regularly cry out ‘separation of Church and state’. Marriage is from God and the church, why do they desire to desecrate a sacrement?
If Chad and Steve, or Bill and Sue want to go to the magistrate and get hitched, that’s from the state and is a civil union with the same legal ramifications, not a marriage.
Draw the line where it belongs.

10 years ago

Drew I agree with you, however I happen to believe that government should not be involved with marriage at any level, civil union or not. The only reason the government ever got involved in the first place was because of the tax issues associated with people who pay taxes while filing as a married couple. As usual if it were not for the money angle government would not care who marries whom. Each church, synagauge, or other house of worship should be free to marry people according to their belief system, and whether you are married or not should have no bearing whatsoever on an individuals tax bracket. I for one do not support homosexual marriage, and would never attend a church where that behavior is tolerated, however we all have free will and if a small percentage of the population wishes to behave in a sinful manner, that is between them and God. I have been commanded to love the sinner and hate the sin, therefore I will still invite the sinner to church and hopefully they will be led to salvation through Christ, for that is what they need most. While at the same time I will not accept their behavior nor will I tolerate thier behavior if they rebel against God. Christ himself spent time with sinners (tax collectors, prostitutes, liars, etc…) and he gave them the chance to repent and follow him. We should do no less.

10 years ago

Two men having oral copulation has always been a crime against nature and a felony in North Carolina. It is right up there with bestiality. To have someone enforcing the laws of North Carolina who practices this is a crime against the moral citizens of North Carolina. Whether the churchs tolerate this or not, it is still a sin against God and anyone who supports a church that tolerates
open homosexuality like this, is supporting the evil of Satan. Don’t dare tell me where to draw the line, when God has already drawn it for me.