Judge STRIPS Child From Mother For Being Unvaccinated, Vaccine Mandate Protests ERUPT All Over U.S.

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Kevin W. James
Kevin W. James
3 years ago

The 6 Billion dollar-a-year Divorce court industry; is a criminal Enterprise of RICO operating under the disguise of the “for the betterment of the child” but it is NOT about the betterment of the child; at all But how they can author “Conflict” into peoples lives. Which is how they can make them dependent on the government; which is Progressivism that leads to Socialism. This is exactly what Abraham Lincon # 1 concerns about the “The Republic” Not from a Threat from abroad, But from a threat from within. The Within; is The Left. The Left OWN the Judiciary. Same-Sex marriages? That was Not at all about equality, but how to increase the pool of people going through the Divorce process.
Since the heterosexual children of Divorce are refusing to get married, after watching their own families demise, and their own families financial wealth demise; ie no college fund, no inheritances etc. Necessary to get a student loan to go to college etc. Because those GREEDY Attorneys stole it ALL. They are cohabitating versus marriage. So the Left; That OWN the Judiciary, needed to increase their revenue stream for their Divorce court business model. So they had same-sex marriage licenses introduced, and passed. Just think how Toxic? and Volatile? a same-sex marriage would be? War of The Roses? These Attorneys’ & Judges’ eyes rolled like Slot machines! JACKPOT!
What DIRTY Little Secret that ALL Judges & Attorneys FAIL to tell you; when being “Counsel” on Divorce? That also should be POSTED on every Court Room Door, entryway, Clerk of the Court office, or lobby, records room etc. That every Judge, Attorney, Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Child protective service agent, psychologist etc ALL Receive a FEDERAL BACKCHANNEL PAYMENT of the FEDERAL Title IV (d) & (e) $ money $ once the case has eclipsed past the 6-month point. That Should Be POSTED Everywhere, and ALL People going through a Divorce, should be aware of that; just like the Side effects of the medicine, they are taking. The above-stated Criminals have failed to make that publicly aware or publicly stated but kept hidden from you This is also a problem for Senior Citizens too, as GAL’s can now steal your House, and Savings and place you in Government housing in retirement. Isolating you from your own Family & Friends, that cancer is growing too.
So they are Double Dipping. So Besides you paying them? They receive a Double Dip, from Title IV (d) $ money for them authoring more conflict into you & your children’s lives. Plus if they place the children in “Foster Care” ? They Receive the Triple Dip! of the Federal Title IV (e) $ money. Plus the Judge(s) receives “campaign contributions” from one of; or both Attorneys during the process, for a “Favorable Decision” for their Client. Our divorce Industry is based on a Banana Republic Judiciary process; where to Divide the Parents as far apart as possible, and the children; to keep them pinned down in the Grist Mill wheels of Misjustice. Always having to go back (above-mentioned Judge in the video) to that criminal who DOES NOT FOLLOW THE RULE OF LAW, but conducts Judicial Tyranny instead and Judicial Activism. A Judge IS NOT Allowed to author laws from the bench, but only to interpret the law, and provide a healthy conclusion for both parties. Divorce should Never be about a WINNER TAKE ALL philosophy as that just further deepens the divide and leads to our ever-larger Homelessness population, drug & opioid abuse, Alcoholism, and Suicide etc. Remove the Federal Back Channel payment of the Federal Title IV (d) & (e) $ money $ to these Flagrant Criminals of our Judiciary, will help remedy the above-mentioned issues, and help restore America, as Trump initial campaign promise, was to help the Forgotten Men & Women of America. To Make America Great Again!
Where does those Federal payments of the Federal Title IV (d) & (e) money come from? directly OUT of OUR Social Security Reseviour / Bank! So basically The LEFT is So Sinister & Corrupt, they have developed a way, that you the American Citizen are paying for the Demolition of your own Family! While Harvesting ALL of your Money through Divorce first, Plus also your very OWN FICA Dollars are paying for your family’s demise! as they place your children in Foster Care to get the complete Triple Dip! So the Foster Care Websites can pimp your children out, to Homosexuals and same-sex couples etc. pedophiles, Jeffery Epstein’s, etc to create a “Modern Family” and try to turn Heterosexual children into homosexual children; where God’s own design was for One Man & One Women to be the parents, not same-sex couples, as they cannot Pro-Create as per God’s design, as same-sex is a very limited road to travel, as reproduction is not there; thus the collapse of a same-sex lineage; that the Left want to redesign that too. It is so Sinister & Corrupt and operates as an Enterprise of RICO! That John Gotti would be IMPRESSED! On How they get the victim to pay for the crimes committed & perpetrated against them! That every Divorce court / Courtroom is a “Crime Scene” that pales in comparison to CSI as our Judiciary; sees their citizens as a revenue stream? Which is Absolutely Sick & Disgusting & Irrehensible!

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I am making this comment from years of working for change which is meaningful. Most JUDGES are ELECTED OFFICIALS. Additionally, judges are the only elected officials who are so insulated as to be impossible to vet. It used to be that information on the decisions made by judges were not only covered in media but also listed on ballots. It is time, and past time, to treat judges like the elected officials that they are. Committees of citizens need to go (not singular individuals) to the election commissions and petition state bar associations to mandate the public record of judges to be made readily available again. We need this and now is the time to demand it. We have the power to remove these individuals from our judicial system. Think about it and then do something.

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

“Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.”
― Arnold Toynbee

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago