July 2018 Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens in NC


Another July has come and gone without any relief from the brutal and constant attack on our children by illegal aliens in North Carolina.

For the month of July 2018, we were able to “document” 15 illegal aliens who were charged with 37 separate incidences of child rape/child sexual assault/indecent liberties with a minor, all of which are felonies.

The latest report can be accessed here: www.ncfire.info/july2018.pdf

A slight drop in the numbers in July, does NOT represent a trend. You can verify that from the previous months’ reports on our website atwww.ncfire.info

For those of you who have a twitter account, contact the NC Delegation in DC and tell them about NC’s illegal alien “child rape problem“. (Simply copy and paste the suggested tweets below.)

.@RepAdams .@GKButterfield .@VirginiaFoxx .@RepHolding .@RepRichHudson.@RepWalterJones How long do U plan to have NC’s children suffer this brutal assault by illegal aliens? I demand U support enforcing illegal immigration laws & BUILD THE WALL http://www.ncfire.info/july2018.pdf 

.@PatrickMcHenry .@RepMarkMeadows .@RepPittenger .@RepDavidEPrice.@RepDavidRouzer .@RepMarkWalker How long do U plan to have NC’s children suffer this brutal assault by illegal aliens? I demand U support enforcing illegal immigration laws & BUILD THE WALL http://www.ncfire.info/july2018.pdf

.@RepTedBudd  .@ThomTillis  .@BurrForSenate How long do U plan to have NC’s children suffer this brutal assault by illegal aliens? I demand U support enforcing illegal immigration laws & BUILD THE WALL http://www.ncfire.info/july2018.pdf

 Thanks for your support!

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Website: www.NCFIRE.info

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.NCFIRE.info/?pnref=lhc
Twitter: @NCFIREJames
E-mail: NCFIRE@ncfire.info
Cell #  910-286-3022

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