June 2018 Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens in NC: 23 illegals = 85 charges

Dear NC Citizen,

We have published the “Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens in NC” report for June 2018. This month we documented 23 illegal aliens who were charged with 85 separate charges of child rape/child sexual assault in NC.

For the first 6 months of 2018, NCFIRE has documented 121 illegal aliens who have racked up 405 separate charges of child rape/child sexual assault in NC.

The June 2018 report can be found here:  http://www.ncfire.info/june2018.pdf

Previous monthly archives, separated yearly, by can be found on our website here: http//:www.ncfire.info

Keep in mind that these numbers are ONLY the ones that our organization could locate and verify as being illegal aliens in NC, in a 30 day period.

We can not possibly check every arrest record, of every law enforcement jurisdiction in the state, every 30 days; so these numbers are most assuredly lower than the ACTUALnumbers.
 Thanks for your support!

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Website: www.NCFIRE.info

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.NCFIRE.info/?pnref=lhc
Twitter: @NCFIREJames
E-mail: NCFIRE@ncfire.info
Cell #  910-286-3022

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