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Does this sound familiar to anyone?
If there was any incentive or thoughtful way to entice “other people” to look at something like this link, or even read, maybe even listen to the Communist Manifesto” much of this current debacle would not exist. Thank you for the link. It reminded me of the good old days and where we came from.
Every now and then I post this reminder. The word Racist was invented by communists living in Europe in the early 1900’s. They stated, at that time, the word was intended to intimidate White people out of the political process. Why? So that the communists could destroy the West using diversity and multiculturalism. They said they intended to change the demographics of the West from White and Christian, to non White and non Christian. Their words not mine. Leon Trotsky was inaccurately attributed with inventing the word because he was the first well known commie to use it in a public speech. Take time to read up on the European communist influence. The Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, and Antonio Gramsci. The word Racist, is nothing more than a Marxist pejorative. There is no such animal. Everyone in ethnocentric not racist.
Best I can tell, “Racism” has been defined by the JEWS (Communists) as “In-Group Preference” for White Europeans. There is no word for racism for Blacks, Japanese, Latino’s, etc. For them to prefer their own culture, language, and ethnic heritage it is just simply called “In group Preference” and is honored and admired. Just sayin…
False Equivalency, to re-enforce the fairy tale narrative.
Witches were degenerates on the order of LBGTQ+, groomers, rapist, pederast, VD.
Except in the cities, the community knew their inhabitants. STD, left unchecked, could wipe-out a community. Men such as Sir Walter Raleigh, would cull the degens by Witch Hunt.
Many of the witches were highly productive members of the Crown. Dentist, mid-wives (abortion), Horse vets, Crown tax agents among other state enforcers. The Crown found Witch Hunting to take a toll on their purse strings and the economy.
So the Crown consulted the Roman Catholic church, where they soon devised a ‘legal system’ which protected the church pederast by Witch Trial. THIS is when innuendo and sophistry started ruling the courts of record. It also motivated the Pilgrims to flee England. But the Borg is never far behind.
The Great Rebellion was provoked by the same ‘legal system’ becoming entrenched north of the M&D. This system protected the Crown’s human trafficking syndicate, until 1805 when Thomas Jefferson’s EO prohibited the importation of forced human labor. Same year the Haitian Revolution finished busting up the Triple Crown’s slave breaking operations, in the Caribbean.
The BAR didn’t like seeing the easy money taken away, so the War of 1812 was instigated. The BAR won, but they were having problems establishing their Kangaroo courts in the South. So the BAR member Lincoln was installed as POTUS. (the good witch of the north ring any bells?)
In conclusion, to trivialize Witch Craft is to ignore the degenerate behaviors they practice. The most entrenched words in our lexicon are there for good reason, to shed light on the past. The powers that be can’t eliminate the terms, but they do everything they can to deride those who bring up the Crown’s track record.
PS You may not agree with Collective Memory, but it’s Common Sense.
Remember that meme at the dentist ‘Ignore your teeth, they will go away’.
Yet evil does not go away, it may change form, change name yet it never Truly changes course.
“But the Borg is never far behind.”
The disease follows mankind.
Very True. Being vigilant is a life style, a never ending process.
Let’s remember “Racism” is a good thing, not bad. We used to call it “In-Group Preference” (IGP) until the Jews redefined through their fake news stations. The Japensese have IGP, the Somali’s, Chinese, Latinoes, Saudi’s, etc… It is only when White European Peoples have it, it is called “racism”.
IGP is normal, natural, and healthy. Embrace yours!